#19 - Becoming an Edging Toy - The magic number 100
Posted 11-29-2020 at 03:05 PM by Felix645
Becoming an Edging Toy
#19 - Becoming an Edging Toy - The magic number 100
After doing yesterdays remaining 16 edges a new challenge was awaiting me and it involved pushing myself ... and I could even choose between them:
First option:
Doing 170 edges until bed time
Second option:
Doing 100 edges consecutively in a single session.
I chose the second option ... and because I wanted to make it a bit more interesting a had an idea of a dice game that could be played along with it. I had to keep rolling the dice and do the according task until I finished all my 100 edges. The numbers were the following:
- 5 edges on all fours
- 5 edges with only 5 seconds break inbetween
- 5 minutes cooldown except you can't stop touching your cock at all and your hand must keep moving.
- 5 normal edges
- 10 minutes of slooow stroking while on knees, stop for 10 seconds when edged
- 10 edges on all fours
- watch 10 minutes of gay porn only keep caressing your cock to keep it hard
- 5 normal edges
- 10 edges with only 5 seconds break inbetween
- 15 minutes of slooow stroking while on knees, stop for 10 seconds when edged
- 5 normal edges
- cooldown, watch 10 minutes of porn only keep caressing your cock to keep it rock hard
After everything was set I started edging and it didnt went quite as expected:
I did it sir ... I wanna cum so bad but I did it ... Im really panting and sweaty ... and it only took me 1 hour and 12 minutes (damn random numbers ...) ...
It started all quite slow. Some normal edges, some on all fours. Then some slow stroking followed by 10 minutes of gay porn. At around 1/3 my luck (or bad luck?) ran out ... I got the number "9" three times consecutively after that a number 2 ... That means I did 35 edges back to back with only 5 second breaks ... I can tell you, there were few very close ones but I managed to not spill a single drop of cum! At around 80 edges I got another 9 ... So almost half of all the edges were with only 5 second breaks ... which obviously dramatically increased the process. Towards the end it slowed down again, I got a 12, so 10 minutes cooldown then some normal edges ... that was a ride ... you have no idea how my dick felt while I was in the middle of the 35 "5 second break"-edges ... only a few strokes made me edge and I whimpered like baby because it was so overwhelming ... Im sure if it was your hand stroking my cock then and there I would have begged like crazy to stop the madness
I think Ill need a break tomorrow ...
And with that I got my break for today ... well I was not allowed to touch my cock at all but I guess Im kinda glad about that
I enjoyed it as it lasted because tomorrow I will be straight back to edging
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