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A random assortment of reports, thoughts, ramblings and information. Pretty much a view inside my wonderfully complicated, sometimes broken, and entertaining mind.

Poly Jealousy

Posted 02-22-2020 at 08:36 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)

Mr. Devious and I have described our relationship as poly-ish. Even when we first started to date, we had other partners. It has been a pretty steady constant in our relationship. It is still a work in progress for us, and I think it always will be. It takes a lot of communication for us to others to have a place in our relationship.

In 5.5 years, we have only had to deal with two problems with jealousy. One was when Mr. D had a a Domme and he was denied. I felt as though it was taking
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I’m a brat … but wait, it’s not what you think!

Posted 02-19-2020 at 01:36 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)

Hello, my name is Butterfly and I am a brat.


Now, before you get your torches and pitchforks, let’s take a minute to let me explain what being a brat means to me.

I have come to realize that brats get a bad reputation. I am not saying that there aren’t those brats out there that live to cause absolute chaos and misery, but I am not one of them. I think a lot of brats are understood.

I guess now is a good time to preface this writing
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How submissive are you?

Posted 02-18-2020 at 09:05 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)

This is one question that I absolutely hate. How am I supposed to answer this? Other than posting my BDSM test results, how do I quantify my submissiveness.

Are they looking for a percentage? A number between 1 and 10? Is there some scale of subbyness that I was never introduced too? Should I look in Cosmo for a 8 question quiz that will tell me the answer?

What's the right answer?

Do I share with you examples about how much I love to please? or maybe it
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Rating: 3 votes, 3.67 average.

Covering up

Posted 02-17-2020 at 10:24 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)

I have had self esteem issues my entire life. Many years have been spent afraid of what others will think if they see me, all of me. It's stupid really ... because a tshirt or sweater doesn't change who I am under the clothes.

I have been on this journey to love myself. Because of health reasons, I have not had any success in changing my weight, but I have been working hard to be healthy, and that is the part that matters most to me.

Part of my happiness needs to come
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Rating: 3 votes, 5.00 average.

Happy Valentines Day

Posted 02-14-2020 at 03:56 AM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)
Updated 02-14-2020 at 12:43 PM by Butterfly

Today is Valentine's Day. I don't buy into the hallmark version of the holiday. I don't need expensive jewelry or gifts, I don't even need flowers or candy. (Chocolate and stuffies on the other hand are a daily necessity, not just today). But I think that Valentine's Day can be special. It is a reminder to vocalize your love for those that are important to you.

I am so lucky and blessed. I have
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Rating: 5 votes, 5.00 average.

Reasons I am not wanted

Posted 02-11-2020 at 01:38 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)

There are a lot of reasons that I might not be appealing to potential partners:

I am fat
I am ugly
I am a mod
I am a switch
I am 30
I am married
I am busy
I am poly
I know what I want and need
I am needy
I am a brat
I don't have (vaginal sex) with my partners
I don't send videos or go on cam
I am a scaredy cat
I am a little
I have emotional baggage
I am a proud carrier of craft
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Rating: 5 votes, 4.20 average.

Casual Domme No More!

Posted 01-30-2020 at 08:36 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)
Updated 01-31-2020 at 11:41 PM by Butterfly

Over the past few years I have really grown into my Domme role. My first relationship as a Domme was with Colosubguy. It just kind of happened spontaneously in chat one day. He was a great sub and a lot of fun, but after a few months, we just weren't able to meet each others needs. We ended things amicably and went our seperate ways. He is now in an amazing relationship with a new Domme who is perfect for him.

After that experience, I really didn't embrace my Domme side much at all. Instead
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