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Reverse PM dares

Posted 10-07-2023 at 12:40 AM by herpderp42
Updated 10-08-2023 at 03:42 AM by herpderp42

The idea is very simple, you send me a PM with a selection of below keywords and YOU get a dare created around them. Make sure I have knowledge about your list of toys and likes etc if you apply and do send a tiny report afterwards, please.

I am worried it will get out of hand if I allow males, so only females (with female body parts) may make use of the service. At least for now.

As long as this blog post doesn't say otherwise, this will remain open.

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Orgasm Schedule Service

Posted 06-19-2023 at 09:40 AM by herpderp42
Updated 03-03-2024 at 08:32 AM by herpderp42

Link back to the general blog post

I have created a Milovana tease which replaces this service without requiring me in any way. Users will need an account over there however. You can PM me to ask for an invitation code. Not promising I can always provide though.

You are always more than welcome to drop me a message on here or over on Milovana.com to let me know you have joined.
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Posted in Denial service
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Denial Service

Posted 06-19-2023 at 09:40 AM by herpderp42
Updated 08-11-2023 at 07:26 AM by herpderp42

Link back to the general blog post

How to join:
Send me a PM including:
-Starting date in DD/MM/YYYY format
-Minimal duration it should last
-Maximal duration it should last
-Amount of RErolls
-whether the HIGHEST or LAST rolled number should be taken (only relevant if amount of rerolls >0)
-Minimal number of daily edges
-Maximal number of daily edges
-Chance for an orgasm to be ruined instead in %

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Posted in Denial service
Views 557 Comments 0 herpderp42 is offline

Offered Services

Posted 06-19-2023 at 09:39 AM by herpderp42
Updated 06-19-2023 at 10:16 PM by herpderp42

Link to the thread.
If you liked the service consider bumping and/or rating the thread, sicne by the nature of it there won't be much activity otherwise.

The first and original service is the Denial Service. The customer will receive a denial period of randomized length. An amount of daily edges (which may be chosen as 0) is included.

Please note that the message will contain a spoiler for every day, up to the maximal possible duration, but as soon as the first spoiler...
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Posted in Denial service
Views 1369 Comments 2 herpderp42 is offline

'Mostly' dominant

Posted 06-15-2023 at 09:48 AM by herpderp42

Just a quick longer elaboration what mostly dominant means in my case. Might be a good idea to properly explain it.

I am dominant leaning switch (80/20 or something maybe) but whenever I am the dominant in a kinky relationship my subby side seemed to hardly ever show up and I don't seem to miss it much.

In this sense I can see myself (and experienced) being exclusively dominant in a relationship but can't see myself being exclusively submissive.
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Views 912 Comments 2 herpderp42 is offline
Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.

My Likes, Dislikes and Limits as a Domimant

Posted 10-11-2022 at 10:04 AM by herpderp42

As my old blogpost with likes etc was quite old already it is time to create a new one.

I love orgasm control and tease & denial. Both kinks belong naturally to each other for me. I want to decide when you get to cum, when not and at best even decide when you get to edge. I prefer the denial to be unpredictable and the length is often rather mediocre because I also really like to make a good subby, which I adore, cum. I generally want you to give the control over your...
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Kate's orgasms

Posted 05-28-2019 at 10:50 PM by herpderp42
Updated 02-19-2021 at 09:13 AM by herpderp42

Hello everybody!

This blog should keep track of the status of all orgasms of my slut Kate92 during the duration of her denial thread (found here).

29.05.: Initial denial phase
30.05.: Initial denial phase

31.05.: stolen by Emmyred (for the cost of a hated ruined orgasm!)
01.06.: stolen by Karen.
02.06.: stolen by Peachybaby
03.06.: stolen by BabyQueer
04.06.: stolen by Emmyred
05.06.: stolen by brattyslave
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