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Punish the Worm!

Posted 09-06-2018 at 11:49 AM by Butterfly

Do you think Jaro did something wrong? Did he make a mistake? Say the wrong thing? Maybe he failed a task that you gave him?

Do you think he deserves a punishment?

Oh well! Shit out of luck.

Only Icey and I can punish our worm. He is ours.

We take punishment very seriously in our dynamic. We only punish Jaro if he has deliberately done something wrong, or if he breaks a rule.

We are not responsible for the way that he acts on getDare or how he corresponds with others. We do not punish him for speaking his mind, being bratty with others, or making spelling or grammar errors.

If you feel Jaro has wronged you, owes you an apology or hurt/offended you in some way, then contact HIM!

Do not send us a message asking us to punish him, or telling us why he deserves a punishment. Because you will either:
1. Be laughed at
2. Be yelled at
3. Be ignored

Thank you!
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  1. Old Comment
    LitDarkness's Avatar
    Aww, I was hoping this was a post related to the poll you have going.

    Despite the click baity title (I do it too so no complaints). honestly, if Jaro did something to offend you, he does exist, talk to him, he is a grown man with an opinion of his own.

    And as for spelling and grammar, Jaro's native language is not English, I believe. (He still writes better than most natives though.)
    Posted 09-06-2018 at 11:56 AM by LitDarkness LitDarkness is offline
  2. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar
    Yes, yes yes ALL THE YESES.

    He isn't anyone but our's and only we have that authority! And I am very possessive of my toys!
    Posted 10-12-2018 at 09:47 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 10-12-2018 at 09:53 AM by Butterfly

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