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Littles v. Ageplay

Posted 09-29-2024 at 09:13 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)

Somebody discreetly asked me in chat if I could explain what a little is. I am going to give it a shot.

I want to preface this blog by saying that this is what being a little means to me. This may not be how other people identify. Labels are just a starting place. Don't let them define you.

So now ...

What is a little?
Being a little is something that you ARE! It is a part of your being, your personality, and who you are at your core. For me, being
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This Will Be A Long Blog

Posted 09-29-2024 at 02:14 PM by Toybox

Saw Butterfly posted this recently. Thought about doing a die roll, but figured it would be more fun to answer each question. Since I am doing that some won't be super detailed, but I'll try to for ones that require it.

I am hoping to get more people posting quality blogs in the blog section. So pick and choose from the list below, roll a die, or write all 30! But I would love to see your answers.

1. How did you discover your kink?

Which one lol? I have so...
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Discovering my kink (30 days of kinky blogging)

Posted 09-28-2024 at 12:26 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)

As a way to increase the number and quality of blogs in the blog section, I posted this thread with 30 kinky blog prompts.

I am going to lead by example and start with Day 1: How did you discover your kink?

The world of kink
I feel like I was a late bloomer. While I had some crushes, throughout my younger years, and I was called "kissy girl" after chasing the boys and trying to kiss them in Kindergarten, I really didn't start to explore my sexuality until
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AMA - 10 questions for Kimmy

Posted 09-28-2024 at 09:11 AM by agolnafu

1. How you came up with the name Kimmy?
It was during a dare I lost. I had to make a poll here on getdare and let others vote for a new female name. My mistress (the winner of that dare) gave me the suggestions.
This was the poll:

2. What messy dares do you like?
- Trampling in food with boots and licking these clean
- Pee on the ground and lick it

3. What was the most messy you ever...
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Invitation to those under 18!

Posted 09-26-2024 at 08:17 PM by Butterfly (The Butterfly Effect)

You're invited to .... leave.

I started to experiment with BDSM on my own and do research at the age of 16. It was such an exciting new world and to be honest, my first ever orgasm was to fantasy's of me being submissive.

So I get it. I understand that all of this can be insane and drive you to do things that you know aren't right. Like play with others who are over the age of 18.

But please remember that you are putting other people at risk! Your excitement
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Sissy Bucket List Update: Outfit 9

Posted 09-26-2024 at 04:14 AM by JulieAllison (Sissy Julie Allison)

Here is another slightly different schoolgirl outfit as a part of my focus to grow as a sissy this year.

Click image for larger version

Name:	009-2.jpg
Views:	48
Size:	18.9 KB
ID:	1250
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New Sissy Outfit

Posted 09-25-2024 at 11:10 AM by JulieAllison (Sissy Julie Allison)

As a part of my focus on growing as a submissive sissy this year, I have been adding a new costume or sissy outfit to my wardrobe every month. I was thinking about what my outfit for November should be and decided that it would be nice to get ideas from others for what I should get to wear.

Post your thoughts or ideas for outfits here or message them to me on kik at julieallison1
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