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View Full Version : Car Wash

03-23-2008, 02:49 PM
Drive to the local car wash, take a spare pair of clothes.
While going through the car wash you must get changed into your spare clothing .

If you fail to get fully changed you must drive for 30 minutes wearing only what you have managed to get into.
If you manage to get fully changed Well done.

Erin M
03-23-2008, 05:27 PM
sounds pretty doable, but I like it!

03-23-2008, 05:28 PM
this would be a great dare if only i could drive without a parent.!!lol

07-12-2009, 06:32 PM
Sorry for bumping, but this is the dare that first got me interested in this site. After months, I finally signed up for the site, and after over a year, I finally did it and am posting it.

I'd noticed before that car washes are rather long, especially as compared to how long it takes to get changed into the relatively few clothes that I wear in the summer. So I decided to make it a bit more challenging and pretend that the seat next to me, rather than being empty, had a friend in it, making the dare more difficult for me by handing me whatever clothes I was least interested in putting on first.

So I pull into the car wash and the car starts to move by itself. There are no other cars or people around at all. I'm about to start taking off my shirt when I notice the security camera behind me, right at the start of the car wash. I freak out a bit, and decide not to start until after my back windshield is all sudsed up. After all, the car wash is plenty long enough, right?

It takes forever until the car is covered in suds. As soon as it is, I strip off my shirt and throw it into the other seat. My sandals come next, and then my belt, shorts, and briefs. Great, time to start getting dressed! My imaginary companion hands me...my belt. Have to put it back on the shorts before actually putting any clothes on. It's surprisingly hard to thread a belt while not wearing the thing you're threading it onto. And worse, when I'm halfway done, I realized I forgot my watch. I yank it off and throw it down. I finally finish with the belt, and at this point, the suds is mostly washed off already.

Next, of course, is my sandals. Very difficult to put on in the cramped seat of the car. And after that would be my watch...but I can't find it! It was on no more than 30 seconds earlier, and it's totally gone! I look for what seems like awhile until I finally let myself take pity on myself and move onto the next article of clothing.

I decide that my malicious companion would let me put on underwear next rather than my shirt, because while guys may be considered dressed while topless, it still draws attention much more in a car than missing bottoms that might not even be noticed. It didn't matter much anyway; the car was half out of the carwash at this point. I got my briefs on just as the car reached the "wait until car reaches this point" point.

Unfortunately, I'm not so good at the dare thing, and the story gets less interesting here. Rather than driving home wearing only shoes and underwear, I freak out and throw my shirt on immediately. I pull off to the side, put my pre-belted shorts on, and then dig around under the seats to find my watch.

That's 3 articles of clothing that I should have put on but didn't, which I suppose should mean some sort of punishment. Unfortunately, as I said, I'm not so good at this dare thing. Still new to it. There aren't many punishments I'd be willing to do. I drove another couple of miles with my shorts and underwear around my ankles, but that's about it.

Was a blast, though! Thanks, getDare!