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View Full Version : Hacked Facebook Account

02-08-2012, 09:35 PM
My cousin had his Facebook Account hacked recently. I've been trying to 'Hack the Hacker' but I can't. Is anyone good at hacking accounts? Can anyone help me? Please post if you can. Thanks.

02-08-2012, 09:57 PM
im good at hacking. but i doubt its the same skill set, to hack a specific account id either need to know what computer the hacker used or know the hacker personally. but if you need any tips on what to do then feel free to pm me!
(dont judge me for knowing how to hack btw! me dads a computer programmer so i know alot about computers and i like to teach myself unuasual skills like hacking, reading latin, herbology, so dont think just cuz i know how to hack it means i actually use it)

daremaster 1
02-09-2012, 02:21 PM
Here are some things you should cheeck everyday......

Any new photos (Could help in many ways)

Any new post the hacker did (Look for Names, or any other personal information)

Any new friends added that he didn't add.

Any new messages from someone you dont know.

Thats just some thing to do, also did the hacker change the password? If so do it as soon as you can.

02-09-2012, 02:24 PM
i have a friend that is a hanker kind of i can ask him about a website that can give you the stuff you need to hack him back and there is a virus i suggest you use its called the trojan virus i will get the website that can help you use that just give me a few days to get it from him

02-09-2012, 03:52 PM
I don't think most people know what hacking really is.

What your cousin might have been a victim of is probably a wordlist / bruteforce attack.

It's easy to do, and gains easy access if password is weak.
NEVER EVER use passwords that is a word you use in your daily life, 99% of them is in the wordlists.
Never use your name, birthday or petname as passwords. It's easy guessable, I was able to get into a few accounts way back by just guessing. That didn't actually make me a hacker.

Hacking is more like someone who is finding back doors into systems (commonly by exploiting bugs or tricking the system somehow).

And those whom break passwords / keys etc are called crackers.

And if he is a real hacker, you won't be able to hack him back. You won't find out who it is, his IP would be pointing to about middle of nowhere :P

02-10-2012, 01:18 AM
Facebook has a way to get accounts back that have been hacked...

Did you try Google? (http://www.computingunleashed.com/how-to-get-back-hacked-facebook-account.html)

02-10-2012, 05:29 AM
It's called changing your password...

and if it's that bad I'd deactivate your account and make a new one...
Perhaps try to keep it more "secretive" don't add people you don't know, and maybe have a cartoon profile pic or similar for a few months. Hopefully you have a common name so it's not easy for the "hacker" to find you again if they are looking for you. At the end of the day you could always report to facebook about your concerns rather than trying to hack them yourself.

Pretty sure there is an option in settings which sends you and email if someone logs into your account from an unknown computer & also you can set up a password to be sent to your phone everytime you/someone else logs into your account from a different device.

At the end of the day it's only facebook, you can contact people elsewhere until the issue dies down.

02-10-2012, 05:38 AM
1st. See this for instructions to create a good password:


2nd. don't share your password.

3rd. don't try to encourage illegal activities. You want someone's facebook page hacked (assuming this was legit and not an attempt to be the hacker in the first place....) then it's still wrong. Contact facebook admins and complain, they'll remove the hacker's account or probably do nothing if there's no proof.

02-10-2012, 09:29 AM
This is a bad idea. This will lead to nowhere but trouble.
