View Full Version : dice dare

02-18-2008, 06:14 PM
I've been wanting to make a dice dare so here it goes:

What to ware:
1.what you have on now
3.just a shirt
4.just pants
5.just a towel
6.just a blanket wraped around yourself

What to do:
1.take a walk
2.do a little dance
3.stop, drop, and roll
4. sing your favorite song
5. play air guitar
6.do them all

Where to do it:
1. where you are now
2. the street
3.the woods
4.your backyard
5.anywhere in your house
6. your driveway

Time of day:
1-3. day
4-6. night

Hope you like it. I'll post what i do after i do it.

02-18-2008, 06:18 PM
ok i got: 6,1,1,2 but i'm in my room so it won't be too exciteing and i figure i'll do it now sence night and day won't make much diffrence indoors.

03-17-2008, 04:56 PM
I just played air guitar fully clothed in my house.