View Full Version : On a lead

09-24-2011, 01:32 PM
For this you'll need one of those retractable dog-lead type things (a couple of pounds of eBay), or a retractable washing line (a little more expensive) if you want something longer. Tie the lead somewhere central to your house/room and tie a ribbon round your balls. Now clip the end of the lead to the ribbon (or cock ring) and see how far you can go. Unless you're right next to the lead, you'll always feel a gentle tug on your balls, and as you get further away from the end of the lead, the pull will get stronger.

Girls could try this with a clit-clamp instead, but it has to be tight enough not to pull off.

I've got mine fixed in the lounge, and I can just get to the kitchen sink and bathroom at full stretch of the lead.

If you want to make this harder, padlock the lead to yourself and freeze the key in a block of ice.