View Full Version : Apology & Changes

01-29-2008, 06:34 AM
I've not had too much time to work on getDare recently because of school obligations however I felt I needed to take some time out and address an important issues I messed up on.

Over the last month getDare's full page advertising has been causing a lot of problems for users as advertisers have abused the system. I've spent a lot of time contacting advertisers and investigating individual issues but things have hit a tipping point.

I would like to apologize about the advertising issues and let everyone know fixing them is my first priority at the moment. I have taken steps to have all large format forums ads hand picked by me from now on. This will solve the redirection problem once and for all that many have experienced issues with.

01-29-2008, 06:36 AM
As always continue to report ads that interfere with your browsing experience in case any sneak by me.