View Full Version : Punishments for Two Mistakes

04-28-2011, 05:25 AM
Mistake 1: I tried to make a ":)", and made a "L(".
That deserves the biggest punishment.

Secondly, i made several spelling errors in typing.
Oh, and technically grammar doesn't count as much - Just spelling :)
I punish myself for grammar.

Dont be sexualised. There is one of these in my visitor comments, a punishment.
Its a good example.
Or in my blog.
Encourage me to not be so f- stupid.

07-21-2015, 12:19 AM
Four years with out a reply. I guess you thought it wa forgottom but as the saying goes be sure your sins will find you out.

Wright 100 times "I must not make spelling mistakes" use an online writer.
Repeat the task every day till the end of September