View Full Version : Your doll

04-24-2011, 04:12 PM
Send me a picture, and I will try to recreate the outfit of your choice. (not too complicated please.) If you are into bondage, all the better. I can show you on webcam.

Limits - no full nudity, and I don't ever take off my underwear.

[email protected]

04-24-2011, 04:23 PM
I do not understand :( what should I send you a picture of? :confused:

04-24-2011, 04:27 PM
please explain this? xxx

04-24-2011, 04:40 PM
sorry, didn't know this would be unclear.

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://hopscotchdesign.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/bina-silks-coloredpic.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hopscotchdesign.wordpress.com/2009/01/&usg=__XXkPrno1yyC5gqSpbHYV04ZTm4w=&h=1024&w=1024&sz=639&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=ZeMrPTRT2t2hUM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=143&ei=i7S0TYn9KcX10gGsuqCXBw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dslave%2Bgirl%2Bclothes%26hl%3Den%26gb v%3D2%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D620%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=194&vpy=81&dur=1113&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=99&ty=125&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0

here's an example, except probably not that revealing! but you could either find a picture, or describe something you'd like me to try.

04-24-2011, 04:43 PM

Not sure if this is what you mean, but I figure it should get you started! PM me for more

04-24-2011, 04:59 PM
So, what would work best would be things I can make with fabric or rope. For example, a "home made bra" made to your specifications (ex, where you want me to wrap the fabric or rope, how wide the strips of fabric are allowed to be, or maybe where and how large you want holes, etc.

04-25-2011, 08:07 PM
using an old sheet make a skirt and top. The skirt can only be long enough to barely cover. The top has to be a 1 piece, cut with a hole to put your head into. The hole should be big enough to be considered low cut, w spaghetti like straps, and the front part and the side part held on with a belt like cut from the sheet tied in the back. The length of the shirt is up to you! Let me know how this works for you!