View Full Version : The dare for the daring

12-12-2007, 05:31 PM
Dare part 1

I DARE YOU... to order the following off the internet:

Adult diaper
Those pajamas that adsorb pee ( dont know the proer name sorry)
Strawberry condom
porno movies

Try to make it so you recieve everything on the same day.

Dare part 2

Now, using the adult diaers, wear these for two days straight. Make sure to eat plenty of fruit and take regular water to keep hydrated. If you need the loo, well your wearing it. As extra, insert dildo anally, and put the condom on before the diapers.

Using the pajamas that absorb your pee, drink a full 2L bottle of water before bed and then handcuff youself to your bed ( have key in rachable place ) Now sleep. If you wake up needing loo then you can go, but you might not make it since you are handcuffed. As extra, insert dildo anally, and put the condom on.

Using the tampax, even if you are a guy, place the tampax in your bag while out somewhere, but have it half hanging out the bag so everyone can see it. As extra dare, take the viagra at the same time (guys)- by that i mean use some, and then put it in the bag but still in view of the public. or put dildo in view for everyone to see (girls) As extra, add porno movie in view, or carry it under your arm. As super extra, hang the condom from your ear.

Enjoy the dares folks!

12-12-2007, 05:34 PM
seems like ur just tryin to have as many diferent things in at once without much thought to how good dare is, and why would u wear a dildo under diaper for 3 days? u wouldnt be able to shit so there would be no point doing both

12-15-2007, 05:24 PM
Instead of buying it online, why not go into a store and buy it? Or better yet, buy something odd like two different brands of condoms and go into a grocery store and stand there comparing the two brands.

Might as well have fun while you're buying the stuff :D

12-15-2007, 05:38 PM
Interesting ideas but *how expensive*?

Far too many dares here require spending a fortune. We need more cheap alternatives. Making stuff...isn't that even more embarrassing 'cos it looks so naff.

12-15-2007, 08:41 PM
Some aspects of this dare are unrealistic (as waspees said, how can you possibly wear a dildo in your butt and shit in a diaper simultaneously?), and buying all that stuff would be very expensive, but overall I have to argue that this is a well thought out dare.
Maybe just buying one of the things in the list would be enough so as to avoid spending tons of money on a dare. Or as daremonkey suggested, some of these things can be made at home. Sheets could be used as a diaper and multiple layers of pajama pants could be used as the "pee absorbent pajamas". A cucumber or a banana could take the place of a store bought dildo. The other things would have to be bought in the store, but that does cut back on the cost a lot, and as I pointed out earlier, one doesn't necessarily have to use *all* the items mentioned in the dare. It's constructed in such a way as to allow lots of leeway.

12-16-2007, 04:32 AM
yea true lol - soz i dont make many dares XD ... ill stick to making stories lol :P