View Full Version : Pubic Hair Braid

08-27-2010, 11:31 PM
Alright so this is a dare for your pubic hair (if you shave you may need to wait and grow it out). Basically if it's long enough try and braid it! into any type of hair style you want! Pig-tails, braids, dreds. Anything you like! Try you're best at doing it.

08-28-2010, 01:36 AM
I would try this for a laugh but once mine reaches a certain point it stops growing, and that point is to short.

08-28-2010, 01:45 AM
haha i said this in a chatroom and began to crack up xD

08-28-2010, 07:41 AM
Ewwww MG.

Do your pubes get to be like a foot long? o.o

08-28-2010, 09:51 AM
MetalGreek - you've stolen this idea from my testicular pigtails!

For shame!

08-28-2010, 11:28 AM
D: nuh uh!! I never copy :rolleyes: