View Full Version : Dare for straight couple

08-19-2010, 06:48 AM
HAHAHA This came to me after my sub mentioned he'd refuse to go down on me on my period ...
and what type of mistress would I be if I didn't push those boundaries?
Dare for any irl domme on-her-period + male slave couple to try
after exhausting your sub, suck him off and let him cum in your mouth, don't let him see you save it, wish him goodnight, snuggle and wait for him to snore...
spit/pour the cum back into his mouth and go sleep (or gargle, whatever)
In the morning let him know what that weird taste is, and let him know he can't get water/something to drink to rinse it out until he gets you off
tee hee hee thanks, thoughts and feedback welcome

08-19-2010, 06:56 AM
This is creative, and oh so womanly evil.
