View Full Version : A self punishment technique - Nippe torture

The Riddler
07-04-2010, 01:11 PM
Hello people, this is my self punishment technique.

Okay, you will only need these things, four (or more) clothespins, and one of those plastic fans that you can take the from guard off of.

You can replace the fan with string if you don't have it, I'll tell you how to do both.

So for this first one, with the fan. You'll have to want the punishment pretty bad because it does hurt alot(in my opinion) but is worth the pain.

Okay take the clothespins, and put two on both nipples, than turn the fan onto medium. Doing ONE nipple at a time, using the the side of the fan that is swinging DOWN, slow and carefully lean in, and let the fan rip the clothespins of your nipple, than go and do the other side.

The other technique is for if you don't have a fan, Get four strings of the same length, long enough to reach your shins from your nipples. Than tie the strings off to a dresser drawers handle, with the drawer open. Than tie a clothespin to each string.

Than lay on your back, near the dresser, with your knees bent to get closer. Than put all four clothespins, two on each nipple, onto your nipples. Than with your feet, slam the dresser drawer shut, causing the clothespins to be ripped of your nipples.

This one actually hurts worse, so if you really want a good punishment, than this one is better.

07-05-2010, 10:16 AM
An adaptation to this is to tie the string onto the fan blades and let it whip your nipples. I HAVENT TRYED THIS YET SO BE CAREFUL!!!!!