View Full Version : old, old threads with all of the wrinkles

10-10-2007, 08:38 PM
So, I've noticed that old threads keep popping up that are just old, like someone who asks for a dare back in '06. Like if someone says that their parents are going to be away for the weekend, but it is like, a year ago, and then someone gives that thread a dare, then it will just be too late, and a mod will come and ask the person not to revive old threads. Whenever someone does, this, a mod gets pretty pissed. This is kind of annoying, so I'm just giving an opinion here. I think those should be locked so that old ones stay in the back so that newer threads are in the front. I think it will help the mods and admins a bit, not a lot, just a bit. And umm... if you don't agree, I like critisism, just don't make it mean. This is my first suggestion, and well, I realize that it's not very good. So don't diss me or cuss me out. (:

10-11-2007, 12:22 AM
I think the problem is, of course, that threads don't suddenly get old and die, they just fade away. It's only when they come out of their 'coma' that anyone thinks that 'euthanasia' would have been a good idea!

But nice idea!

10-11-2007, 01:45 PM
Thanks for the replies. (: