View Full Version : 30 Days of Kinky Blogging (or roll and write)

01-17-2022, 06:21 PM
Welcome to Butterfly's 30 Days of Kinky Blogging!
(this idea was not mine, but was inspired by Emmyred, and the blog topics are a combination of my own ideas and ideas from other people and lists I found online)

How this works:

You can do this one of two ways.

A: Commit for a length of time and write the blogs in order (one a day, or every other day, or even one a week!).

B: Roll 3d10 by using this site (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm) or similar and write whichever prompt comes up.

Write your blog in the blog section and link it here in the comments. Comment on others blogs and support each other.

Have fun!

The prompts:

1. How did you first discover BDSM/kink and your interest in it?
2. Define your kinky self. Do you identify as a sub? Dom? switch? pet? little? etc ....
3. Has your likes/limits list changed since you began exploring kink/BDSM? How so?
4. What is a kink/BDSM activity that you are interested in trying, that you haven't had the opportunity to do so yet?
5. Have you ever been caught or almost been caught? Tell us about it.
6. Do you have any kinky/BDSM/sex pet peeves?
7. Talk about a funny kink/BDSM experience you have had. If you haven't had any direct experience, talk about aspects of kink/BDSM you find funny.
8. If you could invent any sex toy, what would it be? What would it do?
9. How do you typically masturbate? How often? What position do you like to be in? What do you use? What do you think about?
10. Kink isn't a fairytale. Tell us about a time something didn't go as planned during a scene/session and how you dealt with it. If you don't have direct experience, talk about how you think you would or you would like to handle a situation that doesn't go as planned.
11. What is your weirdest/most unusual/interesting sexual fantasy?
12. How open are you about your kinks?
13. Do you use safewords when you play? If so, which words do you like to use? What do they mean to you?
14. Do you watch porn? Why or why not? Do you have specific interests when choosing porn?
15. What do you look for in a kink partner? How does that differ from a vanilla partner?
16. Do you prefer to be monogamous or be involved with multiple partners at the same time? Why?
17. What are 10 items that would be on your kink bucket list?
18. Do you share photos/videos online or with partners online? Why or why not? Are there certain parameters that need to be met before you share photos?
19. What brought you to getDare?
20. What is a misconception about kink that you wish you could clear up for non-kinky people?
21. Have your kinks impacted your vanilla life? If so, how? Was it good or bad?
22. What titles do you use in your kinky play? What do titles mean to you in general?
23. Have you ever overcome a kinky fear? How did it turn out?
24. What is the most important/biggest lesson you have learned from kink/BDSM/D/s or getDare?
25. Is there a kink or aspect of kink that you just don't understand? Are you open to learning more about this topic?
26. Taboos (ie. rape, age play, bestiality, incest etc.) and Edgeplay (ie. breathplay, knives, blood, needles, etc.). Do any of these more extreme forms of kink interest you? Would you ever engage in said kinks?
27. What advice would you share with those starting to explore their kinks?
28. Have you ever engaged in a role play scenario? If so, what was it? If you haven't, is there a scenario you would like to engage in? Describe it.
29. What are your hard limits? Has anybody ever crossed your limits or have you come close/crossed somebody else's limits? How did you handle the situation?
30. Any kinky topic of your choice.

01-18-2022, 09:33 PM
This is a great idea Miss. I can't do one a day but I will try to do one a week for at least a few weeks.

Right now I rolled 18 which is actually a good topic:

"Do you share photos/videos online or with partners online? Why or why not? Are there certain parameters that need to be met before you share photos? "

01-19-2022, 08:37 AM
I posted the first blog: https://www.getdare.com/bbs/blog.php?b=94838

01-19-2022, 09:13 AM
This is a great idea Miss. I can't do one a day but I will try to do one a week for at least a few weeks.

Right now I rolled 18 which is actually a good topic:

"Do you share photos/videos online or with partners online? Why or why not? Are there certain parameters that need to be met before you share photos? "

That's a great topic for you! I'm so excited to read it. Thank you for participating.

01-22-2022, 09:00 AM
This is a great idea. I saw this and showed it to Sir and asked if I could take part as I enjoying writing and blogging. Sir was very happy for me to give it a go.

I will be doing 2 posts a week - generally one on Saturday and one on Sunday. I will be rolling a dice at random to choose which topic I will write about (I will reroll if I get one I have already done). I will continue until either I finish all of them or when it is no longer fun/enjoyable.

My first number rolled was 17.

First one is up here (https://www.getdare.com/bbs/blog.php?b=94855)

01-22-2022, 01:56 PM
Can you get prompts #1 and #2 when rolling 3 dice?

01-22-2022, 04:44 PM
Can you get prompts #1 and #2 when rolling 3 dice?

Good point. I'll write something in to make that work if you choose to do it with dice.

01-29-2022, 01:19 PM
I love this idea, thank you for creating this list of prompts! Just posted my first entry here (https://www.getdare.com/bbs/blog.php?b=94886) and I'll try to do the entire 30 days more or less daily.

01-29-2022, 01:56 PM
Yay! I am so excited to see somebody blogging the list of topics! Looking forward to reading your thoughts.

01-31-2022, 03:16 PM
I love this idea too! It should be a fun way to get some interesting blogs out there. I will try to do them all in order and will do at least 3 a week.

Thank you Butterfly!

01-31-2022, 03:33 PM
I love this idea too! It should be a fun way to get some interesting blogs out there. I will try to do them all in order and will do at least 3 a week.

Thank you Butterfly!

This makes my heart happy!

02-04-2022, 09:25 AM
I posted a new blog: https://www.getdare.com/bbs/blog.php?b=94930