View Full Version : [Easy Exhibitionism] Erm... That's Not How Tanning Works...

10-14-2021, 02:42 PM
This one should be pretty simple for most people, and yet still embarrassing!

Wearing whatever you would normally wear to suntan, and in your favorite spot to lay in the sun (preferably a public pool or park where you can easily be seen), go and lay yourself out to tan...

The catch?

The weather must be your choice of:

Cloudy (Easy; maybe you were tanning, fell asleep, and it got cloudy?)
Raining (Medium; a bit more difficult to explain...)
Night (Hard; you'll look like pretty much a total nutter no matter what you say!)

Stay until someone notices you and asks what you're doing, or comments that you're doing it wrong, or for a pre-determined amount of time to be at least one hour.

Make sure to put on sun-screen, to flip over to get the tan nice and even everywhere, wear sunglasses, and otherwise behave exactly as you would if it really were sunny out!