View Full Version : A game to play

07-21-2021, 07:41 AM
BDSM game (involves chastity, and BDSM themes can be set to work for any M-M or F-F or M-F TV-M etc.) Can be played: players face to face, online- cam or by email chat.

If you like it share, want to play with me PM me.

Rules can be adjusted to reflect players limits and interests

Game Start allocation of numbers 1-6
players equal A =numbers 1,2 and 3 – B= 4,5 and 6.
-- for a twist- the players decide one of them is less equal, and wants or will accepts more risk- thus the odds are against them
A= 1,2, 3, 4 B=5 and 6

Rolls to decide which player is put in Chasity

– if your number is rolled - put on the chastity cage.
- player not in chastity holds - number or key of lock - number if on line game)!

Roll to determine initial length of chastity period (can be extended or shortened in Game).

When the time for a player in chastity runs out any task to do must be finished then – game re-starts with the section above being run to see who is chastised.

* Once chastity device applied next roll decides how long the looser spends in chastity
number rolled is timed by the previously agree time interval this will depend on what players have set for game -live or by cam normally 10m is a good interval but longer for on line games

Example for live game or on cam

* =4 so initial time in chastity is 4x10 =40m

* Example for game played online by email – set 1 day as time interval

* =4 x1 day =4 days (a number lock will have been fixed to device while on cam with the loser blindfolded holding lock numbers facing camera so when spun to new code the winner can see and write them down – suggest do this carefully!!

Roll to decide which player does the allocated Task

if dice rolled is 1,2,3,4 or 5 the one in chastity has to do task,
if a 6 is rolled the one not in chastity has to do task (can adjust to suit)

Game continues with doing/choosing tasks until the player in Chasity has served their time in chastity and game reset by running Chastity decider again.

Task Chooser –first roll

(then second roll decides severity/time of task and a third and as appropriate further rolls other aspects of task.

Twist before any task starts the if the one in chastity is to do the task they can (but don’t have too - ask to roll again to see if they can avoid doing the task -- if they roll a 4 or 5 they don’t do task and their remaining time in chastity is reduced by half - BUT if they roll 1, 2, 3 or 6 the severity of the task or time length of task is doubled or have to do two tasks in the selected category where they can’t be doubled e.g. humiliation tasks – Also

The initial time they were due to be in chastity is doubled and added to any time remaining. Thus there is a 1:3 chance they will avoid the task but a 2:3 chance they will be a lot worse off! Time and task doubling (double jeopardy!!)

Further twist the one not in chastity who is giving task does not have to agree to allow the roll to avoid the task and can exact a penalty of extra time in chastity to agree to letting the one in chastity roll to avoid the task or get double jeopardy -

If the one not in Chasity has to do task (if a 6 was spun) they can if they wish (player in Chasity has no say in this) roll to see if they can avoid the task if 1, 2 or 3 rolled they don’t do task and game continues – with chose a new task – if they roll a 4, 5 or 6 they do have to do the task and time for the one in Chasity reduced by half of what remains.

Task categories decider (players need to agree tasks and sub tasks before start) examples

First roll

* 1= Corporal punishment task(if online need to decide how administered)

* 2= CBT task

* 3= Humiliation task (if on line will need to report outcome in detail feelings etc. and provide phot proof)

* 4= Degradation task (as above)

* 5= Sex task e.g. cock sucking (if on line could be changed to winner getting to cum or to looser having to suck stranger and provide photo proof with date written on cheek while cock in mouth – or changed to other task – taking dildo in ‘pussy’ etc.)

* 6= Bondage task (for on line could be task decided by winner unspecified or time in bondage or other task such as use no furniture – sleep floor etc.)

* Players can substitute their own task categories – e.g. Public exposure, anal penetration task etc.

Once task category is decided the players roll(s) to find out which task in the selected category is done and maybe also set time / severity as appropriate.-

1. Corporal punishment task

Second roll deciders Number of strokes 1 to 6

Third roll for severity 1= soft, 2. =mild, 3= moderate, 4 moderate, 5= hard, 6 = very hard.

Fourth roll decides how player being beaten is dressed 1. Over clothes, 2. Pull down trousers, 3. Pull down trousers and underwear, 4. Fully nude, 5 wearing holdups only, 6. In full sissy underwear.

players may wish to add a 5th roll re part of body to be beaten and 6th re implement or stop at 3 rolls using cane and bottom for all tasks it up to the players to decide before the game starts

4th could be 1. Arse, 2. Balls, 3. Across nipples, 4. Hand, 5. Face, 6. Thighs. (0n line play may be self-administered but require proof picture of marks with date written on site of punishment if not cam.)

5th could be to choose implement 1. Cane, 2. Belt, 3. Whip, 4. Crop, 5. Hand, 6 winner’s choice

2. CBT task

second roll = type CBT 1. =icy hot to balls, 2. = icy hot balls, cock and anus, 3. = cane to balls six mild strokes, 4. =do six jumping jacks with 1kg weight tied to balls, 5= place 6 pegs on balls one on each nipple (roll to see how long to leave them on), 6= needle play push one needle through one ball! Leave in place for next task. (0n line play proof pictures etc. as determined by winner)

3. Humiliation Tasks

second = type of Humiliation- (winner to observe task completed or on line play proof picture or receipt from shop etc. to show compliance consider using i phone for live monitoring if available))

1.= Cross dressing humiliation- wearing holdups/stockings go to public toilet stand in stall - stall drop trousers to floor count to 50 slowly, piss then count to 50 again before pulling up trousers.

2. = Cross dressing/bondage humiliation- go out for walk at night - dressed only in female underwear and a long coat – not done up! Hands kept behind back –with cuffs rope etc.

3. = wearing makeup lip stick, eye shadow, mascara as minimum - go to bar and order a snowball drink.

4. = Cross Dress and Shopping humiliation - put on holdups or tights (can wear trousers etc.) go to shoe shop and try on high heels! Buy a pair if like-

5. = Shopping humiliation- go to shop and buy sexy female kickers or supermarket buy cucumber, KY jelly and condoms all same time – or other shopping task as set by winner (be observed or email - receipt/photo proof).

6.= Cross dressing and public exposure humiliation - wearing female underwear and coat go for walk - at time/place decided by winner take off coat hand to other player and continue walking until given coat back.

(Players to agree list of humiliations before game may want to consider what each likes least or would want to subject the other too!)

4. Degradation task

second = type of degradation (winner to observe task completed or photo proof consider using i phone for live monitoring if available)

1. = in bathroom or toilet strip nude or to female underwear - beg to be pissed on – put head in toilet- be pissed on and keep head in place as toilet flushed to rinse off piss-

2. = in bar winner takes his glass to toilet fills it up and gives it to the other to drink up

3. = kiss winners ass and rim hole

4. = strip nude and write on body 5 things decided by other player with marker pen (washable or permanent as pre-decided) – e.g. slut, slave, fag, I have tiny cock etc.

5. = go into public toilet –strip nude in stall or to holdups/stockings only then come out and kiss each urinal in turn, go to sink wash mouth out with soap - .

6. = any degradation task decided by winner – link to where / how game being played

5. Sex task

second if cock sucking is time to suck (on line play could include time to do other stuff or number of cocks to suck! To complete task)

1. = 1min, 2. =2m, up to 6. =6m.

Could add a third roll for how the one if chastity will be dressed or positioned etc. while doing task

1. Nude on knees, 2. Dressed in clothing to be specified –etc., 3.

6. Bondage task

(interval needs adjusting if played on line) may need private place-

1. = hog tied nude in chastity and left for 1 hour while other player goes for a drink/meal

2. = hog tied nude in chastity and left for 2 hours while other player goes for a drink/meal

3. = if available to wear humbler for rest of game while in chastity

4. = tided to wooden horse device if available for 30m

5. = tided to wooden horse device if available for 60m

6 = put into bondage under clothes and taken for a walk

These tasks will depend on how/where game is being played what’s available and player’s imagination but should be defined before game starts.

6. Anal penetration

1.= cock

2.= object / dildo

3.= cock no lube

4.= object no lube

5.= lube place but plug leave in for rest of game

6. = ? other players choice

07-21-2021, 07:42 AM
Examples of how a game could go (maybe did) with two male players playing live using basic rules as above.

They decide to meet early one evening in bar near Oxford Street London

They have decided that as certain things may be needed.

A -will bring –chastity cage, holdup, kickers etc.

B -will bring cane and a piece of rope for bondage tasks

A was me

Meet in bar – chat agree to play -

Start determine who has which numbers 1-6 for the first roll to decide who is put in chastity?

B says –he does not think it should be even with three each as one of them is obviously more submissive – A asks how this is- B points out what he brought Cane and Rope and that A brought Chastity / Holdups etc.
Player A agrees and so they allocate A three numbers and B gets 1. To allocate the other 3 they decide to toss a coin two times – A chooses heads (because? Likes to give head) and B choses tails (as he has a big) for both times its heads so A wins two more numbers – so this first game – A has numbers 1, 2,3,4,5 and B has only 6 ----dice rolled

* = 2 , 2 is one of Player As numbers so he has to put on the chastity cage

A gets out chastity cage – and number padlock – B takes lock and without A seeing resets number lock to a new number - they both go into toilet, A strips down and puts on cage – B applies- lock without A seeing new number and click A is locked up- pulls trousers up and they go back to continue to play game.

Back in bar they roll dice –to set initial time A will spend in Chastity.

* =4 so Player A stays in chastity for initial time of 4x10m =40m

They then roll dice - to see who does first task (as per rules there is a 1:5 chance it will be A as he is in chastity

* =5 so it is player A who has to do task -B smiles – and now they roll to see which category of task

* =3 task Humiliation task roll dice again to see which one in this category

* = 4 wearing holdups or tights (can wear trousers etc.) go to shoe shop and try on high heels! -buy a pair if like-

A and B go to toilet Player A puts on the - sheer black holdups - he brought - as B watches - they then go to a large department store on Oxford Street and locate the shoe department - A - wearing holdups under trousers - looks at and tries on several pairs of high heels! – it’s obvious that he is wearing tights or holdups and that heels they are for him 2 young female assistants think it’s hilarious – they get several more assistants to look and assist – they get A to walk in them - very embarrassing – comment on the fit and how they look- A in the end just to get away has to buy a pair – the assistant says shall she wrap or will he wear them now and goes into hysterical laughter - B in shop –not with A but while he pretends to look a male shoes can see / observe A real and deep humiliation - A leaves shop carrying bag with heels – they meet outside and return to Bar B gets some drinks for them

– A has been in chastity for 30m - so play continues with chose another task (time in chastity for A not yet run out )

Roll for to see who does next task- odds as before on B side not to do - against A

* =3 player A to do task again

* =4 Degradation task roll to see which task in category

* = 2 (see task list) A and B finishes drinks B takes his glass to toilet ‘fills it up’ and gives it to A – A buys B another drink for B – returns to the table B takes a drink and indicates to A to drink - Player A lifts glass to lips but does not want to do task – drink B piss- so begs to be allowed to roll (as in rules –twist) to see if he can avoid task – B thinks he wants to see A degraded so say ok but only if A adds 30min to his chastity time (which at this point is nearly run out) A agrees dice rolled = 2 A has thus lost so time in chastity increased by initial time of 40 x2 plus 30 for being allowed to roll, plus time remaining time which was only 3 minutes so new time for A to stay in Chastity is = 113 min ! When A was down to 3mins!!

First A has to do task he rolled to avoid - so while B drinks his beer A takes the glass its warm it does not smell of much – he takes a sip its bitter and sharp – A drinks down Bs warm pee – = about quarter of a pint – -it seems to take forever and he is sure those close by realise what’s going on - B asks him if he likes his drink and does he do this often –A no never before- . when A finishes dice is rolled again as A has to do another task in the Degradation category as in rules double penalty for loosing time and severity penalty don’t work in this category for losing the wimp out roll – which has already put him into113m of chastity – and probably cost him more tasks- roll is -

* = 1 (still in Degradation category) – B says that will be difficult get me a another pint A buys another drink for B – A goes to toilet and strips fully waits for B – B come in says are you ready A opens cubical door – kneels down and puts head in toilet bowl B says turn to look at me – A does and sees B towering over him – undoing his zip – what do you want slut - -A- to be pissed on please – use me as your toilet - -B_ close your eyes but open your mouth and keep facing to the side and up not down – A- opens his mouth and feels a hot stream hit his head wetting his hair - face and running into his mouth – it goes on his shoulders and runs down his back and chest - -B- enjoying it you disgusting slut – B- leans forward and flushes the toilet cold water cascades all over –A- who’s head is fully in the toilet bowl – B- presses A- head firmly into the bowl keeping him in place. The water stops B lets A up who is gasping for breath and totally soaked. –B- removes the roll of toilet paper and says you can use your clothes to dry yourself or try the hand drier outside- see you in the bar – don’t forget to put the holdups back on!

B returns to his seat leaving A to clean up – after 10m A re-joins him --time now remaining for A in chastity is still now 80m due to added time in task so game continues with A in chastity –roll to choose who does next task

* = 6! (very lucky for A odds were against but B was at risk and has lost) so task to be done by Player B (A stays in Chastity) roll to choose task is

* =1 CP task next roll determines number of strokes

* =4 so 4 strokes next roll determines dress

* =3 on bottom –pull down trousers and underwear next roll severity -

* = 5 so severity = hard (they had already decide CP would be by cane on the bottom so no further rolls needed)

A says lets go to toilet you can drop your pants strip bend over and I will beat you – if anyone comes in they can watch – it should be fun -- Player B smiles and says he will roll to take a chance (see rules- B has not much to lose by choosing this option)
B rolls = 3 so B wins and does to have to go through with task

Game continues A still in chastity 70 mins remain

Roll To chose who does task

* = 3 so player A to do task - roll to chose task

* =1 task CP

* =6 so 6 strokes

* =6 double so severity very hard. Roll re dress

* = 4 fully nude

Player B says lets go to your hotel room so nobody will come in and see you nude except for the chastity device or hear you cry as 6 very hard on your bottom are going to really hurt -and we have more privacy – A agrees as it will take time to get there and uses up his chastity time and he doesn’t want to strip fully nude in the bar toilet -
They leave bar and make it to hotel where Player A staying.

When in the room B says ok A strip down but if you like you can leave the holdups you put on earlier and I may go gently on you – or not.

A strips to holdup and chastity cage – B gets cane out he brought – shows it to A -flexes it and askes A where he would like to bend over to complete the task- bed ? chair, standing bent over holding ankles – A is not happy with the thought of what's to come – B says shall we put the TV on to cover the noise of the cane as it hits your bottom and the noise your going to make-
A intimidated by Bs enthusiasm says- no lets stop - I want to roll to see it I can avoid task and reduce my chastity time - (B disappointed says are you sure? - A says yes - B says ok but only is you add 70 mins extra to your time in Chastity- A is a wimp so agrees) they roll to find result-

* =2 so A looses! - severity and time in chastity doubled Chastity time was 15 mins remaining now + 70 for being allowed to roll + 2x initial time of 40 =165 mins and task severity doubled to 12 strokes very hard –

A really doesn’t think he will ‘enjoy’ or can take 12 very hard form B who seems really into the idea of canning him –A likes mild CP but is not really into pain he wishes that the CP task severity was set lower – but too late now – will know for next time- – they discuss if another wimp out roll is possible in the rules - B agrees as task not started – and rules not clear but if A agrees to add extra 120 mins to chastity time B will allow A roll to see if he can avoid the CP he points out double jeopardy and odds to make sure A knows he looses with numbers 1,2 3 or 6 - only avoids task if 4 or 5 is the result – A- thinks about and agrees to rules and extra chastity time if loses) A takes the dice and rolls it – it slowly bounces and lands on

* =3 lost! Task doubles now = 24 very hard strokes and time increase in chastity now = remaining time of 155 +120 for being allowed to roll +2x40 = 355 mins chastity time (if they were playing on line and it had been units of 1 day days rather than units of ten min how long would it be for a now months! depending on the maths which A could not do now as he is too busy thinking of what's to come!)

Player A now in a real mess - 24 very hard cane strokes from B who he has met on the internet a few times but only today in person- B has already made him drink his piss from a glass and while his head was down the toilet! – the punishment will be straight off - no mild lead – B has no reason not to give A the full treatment – B is in As hotel room fully clothed - A is in nude except for the holdups and the chastity cage. –A- knows B has the number of the lock and to get free he must comply with the game rules or B could just leave him locked up – the Game is designed to push players limits – reduce the choice of the looser and make them push their limits – it’s certainly working ! Regarding A).

- A - slowly bends over as B rolls up shirt sleeves and flexes cane – swishing it through the air – B says before we start sissy wimp do you want to say anything - A- begs – B- not to give him very hard strokes - but B says you lost – you agreed to abide by the rules – you knew the player in chastity was disadvantaged by the rules but agreed to play so the dice have decided and we must go through with it –you could have had just 6 now it 24 so the good thing is your limit has been extended and you are going to get a really memorable experience - and your cocks not getting unlocked and time soon or at all unless you keep bent over – I bet the girls in the shoe shop would love to see you now! Why not put on your heals – yes do it now - that’s great now bend over- you looked really humiliated in the shop – ha ha – then you little slut - drank my piss and became my toilet which is what you deserve to be! You disgusting slut - now you are -pointing to As cock in chastity - all locked up down there in holdups waiting for a thrashing – it a good game this isn’t it!

A says ok sir and bends over B stands to the side of A runs his hand over A smooth bottom and pushes his legs apart a little - then taking pity (maybe) B says how about I only give you only 12 – A - oh yes please sir thank you – B says ok BUT there’s a twist you must count and thank me for each stroke and after the first 6 beg convincingly to have the last 6 harder than the first six – if you’re not convincing it reverts to the 24! – A - readily agrees but B says and – ALSO then we continue to play you stay in chastity for the rest of the session and we roll the dice as per the rules except my risks are gone so only you do tasks – do you agree – yes thank you I accept says A .

A lies on the bed legs over the edge on to floor, a pillow under his waist to raise up and stretch his bottom – looking to the side he can see himself and B in mirror. B raises the cane it flashes though the air and connects with As bottom like a fire brand – A manages to sucking air shakily say 1 thank you sir –and so it continues to 6 – after the first 6 B makes A beg to have the last 6 harder, A says thank you and that he is really enjoying his caning BUT could B make it harder – please punish me more, please do it harder - B says I don’t believe you like it - A says yes I do – B says no – A really begs B to carry on (as does not want 24) – eventually - finally B says ok if that what you really want –here are the last six he delivers six fast and hard strokes which leave deep red marks nicely lined up above As hold ups - A is crying by before the last stoke lands and his bottom no longer smooth looks or and feels as B runs hand over it like a ploughed field.

-A- gets up goes to the bathroom and cleans up – his bottom is on fire the hotel has some body lotion and he rubs it into his bottom – touching it is really sore – he washes his face and goes back out – B has got a drink from the mini bar and offers one to A – take a seat he says but A says he would rather stand!

-A- has now traded the last 12 strokes of the 24 in agreement to continue to play and only loose (no real change there then!) As remaining time in Chasity is more than 5+ hours –A-will have to do any tasks the dice rolls decide - without any risk to B, (this game as it has been played out really shows how the odds are stacked against the Player who is in Chastity - thus think carefully before giving up an even chance chastity decider and rolling not to do task!)

They carry on with the Game

-A- to do all tasks now so game continues with chose a task not who does it

* =2 task CBT

* =3 cane to balls 6 mild strokes – B says good job I brought a cane it’s been well tonight - A -lies on back on bed with legs in the air and open -balls exposed – held tight by chastity ring round them – B taps them 6 times with the cane –A- feels the pain but that in his bottom - still on fire – means it’s no too bad

They roll for next task

* =5 task - cock sucking

* = 5 – A- has to suck player Bs cock for 5 mins. A is already stripped down to holdups and chastity cage so do task he kneels – B pulls out his hard cock (hard from caning A) A on his knees takes Bs cock into his mouth and tries his best to please B - – A while completing task on knees wearing holdups - in chastity, with very very sore bottom – and painful balls – cock locked and restricted in cage- -A- really knows he really lost this Game – A sucks and licks Bs hard cock – after a few mines it twitches and B cums in his mouth pulling out to decorate his face – putting it back in to be sucked clean – giving the caning and degrading and humiliating A was a big turn on for B and seeing A on his knees sucking him off - giving him pleasure - when all A got was pain and a locked up cock - meant he did not last long – when he finishes B tells A he is not allowed to clean cum off his face.

They roll for next task

* = 3 task humiliation - roll for what to do

* =2 walk outside wearing female underwear- A- already has - on holdups

Chastity cage and cum on face! Plus of course the heels he bought - nothing else needed says B but as per rules

A is allowed to put on long rain coat but not do

coat up – B loosely secures A hands behind his back and does up the belt of the coat to close it A and B discreetly leave hotel. They walk down to the river and half way over a bridge - A with hands behind back can’t stop B who pulls coat belt loose to allow coat to come open – B says its late and he needs to go home now he walks off leaving –A- on bridge - -A- struggles to untie hands and manages to find a sharp stone edge to rub rope against - while doing this he has to bend backwards pushing his hips forward this ad the side to side movements of the rope against the stone - cause the coat to fully open - so A- is exposed fully – nude except for a coat over his back/shoulders but nude except for holdups a chastity cage and drying cum on his face- while he struggles to free himself – it takes an age for the rope to part luckily only cars go past no pedestrians!! When hands free A does up coat and makes his way back to hotel.

On return to hotel room his phone is beeping with a text from B see you tomorrow same time your room to play again – and remember I still have your Chasity keys!!

-A- looks down at his soft locked cock - in its hard metal cage and is acutely aware of his well caned bottom -

- Game set and match to B! and it’s not over yet.

07-22-2021, 08:04 AM
Please post this in the proper section. This isn't a story, its a dare.
I moved it to 'Dares'.