View Full Version : Fiction: Shadow Warrior WIP

11-04-2009, 06:43 PM
Lets try this again, a different work in progress which might actually get some comments? ~chuckles~


Rain scattered down over dusky streets as usual; dim lamplights shone within the darkness blurred by damp. The heavy steps of thick-soled boots clattered echoing down the silent alleyway, a tall man strode down the paving. Shoulders shrinking into his dark leather trench coat, his head lowered slightly hidden in total darkness, blood red eyes seeming to glow within, shallow audible breaths shivering through his vocal chords.

He halted, a security barrier blocked his path and a guard house beside it 'bullet proof glass, typical' the figure thought as he glanced towards the guard within, eyes glancing down to the small slit between the glass and shelf where the guard could exchange items 'perfect'. Flinging his coat open the figure swung out a combat shotgun firing a round into the slot from the three feet he stood away from the small box. Blood exploded over the rear wall and smeared over the sides of the lower glass the buckshot minced the guard within easily, the figure chuckled softly using his hands upon the barrier to leap over it before continuing on towards two large steel doors.

“This is going to be a problem” he muttered with a sore sounding voice.

Glaring eyes flicking around his surroundings as he halted at the doors resting a hand upon the barrel of his shotgun he trails around to cock it once, the back thrust sending a smouldering shell out onto the ground, the second loading the chamber again. He sighed lightly slipping the shotgun back into a small pouch he had sewn in. Fastening the coat he walked over to some empty wooden crates shoving one slowly towards a ventilation shaft that spewed with steam, the crate made a horrific scraping sound as it was forced to move along the wet concrete. Reaching to the neck of his hood he tightened it to try and protect all the skin he could, leather gloves gripping the heated grate tearing it off he flung it aside with a clatter before hoisting himself inside, the steam cut off.

Blindly he crawled though greasy shafts choking lightly upon the thick steam that made him swelter, before suddenly falling down a long shaft onto the weak great knocking it open he landed hands first upon the ground using them to launch himself up onto his feet crouching slightly. The grate swung loosely above him looking to the elevator a sign reading ‘Out Of Order’


He looked for directions to a stair well, the grate finally breaking free of its weak restraints and landing with a crack against the top of his head, wincing lightly he grumbled beneath his breath kicking the grate to one side. He dashed down the corridor towards the elevator’s doorway looking to the left through metal gauze strengthened glass. Several guards stood within smoking and talking, one surely keeping watch. Looking around the area he found an emergency axe cabinet, punching out the glass he grabbed the axe walking over to the elevator. He tucked the axe within his trench coat slipping out a screwdriver he opened the panel and hot-wired the doors to open, stepping inside he hi-jacked the elevator then travelled up to the third floor where it stopped; emergency brakes holding the cab in place. The elevator’s cord clattering upon the roof of the cab, looking up he jumped into the air grabbing hold of the handles on either side of the emergency hatch. Hanging on by one hand the other flung the hatch open before he hoisted himself up onto the roof of the cab.

Upon the roof he could see in front of him the doors to the fourth floor he stepped forward pressing a side to his head against the doors; he heard two voices one close by the other too far away to make out. Opening his trench coat he pulled the axe out from within then hacked it between the join to the doors wriggling it slowly, the doors preyed open the automatic mechanism kicking in to open them fully he walked in. A large room greeted him, large swimming pool taking up most the space within the far corner only a walkway around it to his right a corridor and guard, to his left another, bathing his feet in the water of the pool. His axe escaped his hands as he flung it spinning through the air at the guard across the room, the blade imbedding itself diagonally into his chest he slumped onto his knees before falling aside. The second guard leaped to his feet, he spun around to meet with a fist sending him into the pool with a loud splash. His unconscious body sunk to the bed of the pool drowning instantly.

Cautiously he headed over towards the guard that lay I the opening of the corridor; he carefully stepped over the corpse trying not to step in the large pool of blood that had formed beneath, slowly walking down the corridor. Boots clapping against the ground he began to feel uneasy like something bad was about to happen, he stopped looking around the blank corridor plain walls and floor before looking up finding an opening in the ceiling just at the end of the corridor, he whispered lightly.

“Sorry, but you are dead”

He began to run down the long corridor towards the opening in the ceiling darting left he jumped against the wall then used it to rebound himself up to the hatch grabbing the hidden guard that was within. He dragged the guard down to the ground where he held the neck within his elbow. Choking the throat his hands gripped at the head twisting it sharply a light crack sounding as the guard’s neck broke.

“All too easy” he murmured.

He walked out the end of the corridor; into a moderately sized room with nothing of importance within. A few plants and chairs; some coffee heating on a table in the corner. A door stood within the left wall of the room and he began to walk over to it his boots sounding with each step, a gloved hand clasped the doorknob twisting it smoothly before flinging the door open. Hitting the guard hidden behind with great force, it pummelled the guard unconscious before walking into the room, eyes fixing upon a man that sat upon the bed.

“So, you found me huh?” the man spoke in a warm toned voice, no sense of fear or anger within. He nodded pulling the shotgun from its pouch and aiming it towards the man.

“I am truly sorry, but it is my job you know”

“I know, I do not blame you, do what you must, old friend”

The shotgun flared most of the beds coverings being torn up by buckshot, the man minced apart, blood scattered all over the bed as the body fell back to lay upon the bed, legs hung off the end.

“Goodbye, dear friend” he spun around heading towards the doorway before leaping to the side, diving out of the way of a burst of bullets through the door which pounded over the bed and dead body.
“Damn it” he looked up noticing a couple of security cameras.

“There wasn’t meant to be any more guards or proof of my existence” his eyes flicked from wall to wall noticing there were no windows, which he thought, odd for a bedroom.

Quickly he pushed the door closed; another barrage of bullets scattered over the metal door making a clattering sound before beginning to piece through, he grabbed the gun from the unconscious guard aiming it up at the light shooting it out and coated the room in pitch black. Hiding in the corner for a moment the door thudded being kicked open by those behind, beams of torchlight shone through the dark lighting areas of the room, the guards slowly entered the room searching. Silently he dashed out of the door shooting out all the lights as he did so, noticing an open hatch in the floor nearby the pool; he slammed it closed before jumping down into the elevator cab. Again he used his screwdriver to open the panel hot-wiring the doors to open, he ran out letting them close behind him, eyes glanced down each end of the corridor he was now in, noticing a window he charge towards it at great speed. The elevator doors opened behind him as bullets randomly passed by him, the glass of the window cracking and shattering from the hail of bullets. He leaped through, falling down three floors into a paper recycling bin, the shredded paper cushioning his fall slightly but also covering him up, hiding him from sight.

Bright beams of sunlight shot out from the sky, heavy clouds hung low above the city laden with the rains to come; the sunlight penetrates the thick black vale in random, areas which casts light upon the streets like spotlights upon a stage. It was cold, colder than usual; maybe the winter will come early this year. Large spots of rain began to pierce the clouds and fall to the ground crashing against everything beneath, the sound of heavy rain upon metal clattered throughout the air.

“It is not good enough!” a man spoke.

Red hair spiked up upon his head followed into red eyes and a rather fierce expression, his voice was equally so, maybe that’s why it sounded so sore all the time, he paced across the office he was in, his trench coat spattered with rain. He peered out the window from a twelfth floor height, looking over the many dim lights beneath from the smaller buildings.

“I am sorry, there must have been a mistake” said a female with honey coated tones twisting around in her office chair to watch him as he pressed his hands against the glass and sighed leaving a patch of condensation. The room wasn’t very big but it held a filling cabinet, desk with all the necessary equipment, a chair and a few comfy armchairs for those who needed to talk.

“He was my close friend damn it! What did he do to deserve this?” the man grumbled turning around quickly glaring at her, his sore voice became more of an demonic rasp, eyes flaring brightly as they burned with anger.

“I know and I am sorry Fenlire” she opened a file: reading from it, she spoke.

“According to this he was planning to try and shut down the company for reasons unknown, we had to act quickly” she gazed up to him wondering what he was thinking before her face turned into a distressed portrait of puzzlement.

He stood in front of her, handgun in hand, laser sight trailing over her face, his name was pronounced Fen-leer, which she had pronounced incorrectly, not only this but the information was not very pleasing to hear to him.

“I told you, my name is pronounced a certain way and no other, you know what happens to people who cannot get it right, plus my friend was a good man, he must have had good reason to plot against you. I will find out what it is” he slips the gun into his trench coat swiftly glaring at her, eyes closed to slits.

“And if I find the reason to be good enough, I will finish his work, you set me up and you failed” he walked over to the window opening it, a strong wind blowing in and scattering papers everywhere.

The door suddenly slammed open several guards charged in guns flaring with bullets, every window being shattered, the fragments falling to the ground and the woman pelted to the ground blood spurting in all directions coating the lower wall beneath the blown out windows. No sign of him could be found a guard walked over to the window looking down then up, he pressed the receiver on his walkie-talkie.

“Subject missing, repeat subject-missing” he turned around signing to the others to exit.


An old peice i have not gotten aorund to continueing or refining.

Comments welcome.