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View Full Version : Fight to the End: Round 6 Voting

11-05-2017, 03:04 PM
This is the final round of voting before we eliminate two of our wonderful competitors. This is getting very exciting and we are more than halfway done the competition.

Please vote for who you think did the best job at completing this round.

Here is the a reminder of what the task was:

The fifth round of voting has not yet ended, however, we wanted to give everybody the chance to start thinking about the next task. This task will be completely anonymous

Category: Endurance

Proof Type: Report

Task: Please choose ONE of the following to complete:

A) Hold a penny against the wall with your nose for as long as possible. To make it harder, you can choose one or more of the following: kneel on raw rice, hold your hands out to the sides, wear nipples clamps, or a plug.

B) Attach a dildo to a hard surface (a chair, top of the toilet, etc). Squat over the dildo and insert it completely (for men, obviously anal only, woman can choose either hole) and then stand up completely. Repeat as many times as you can. To make harder, choose one or more of the following: choose a lower surface, place pegs on your genitals or nipples so you feel them swinging as you move quickly, keep your hands placed on your knees or behind your head while squatting so you have to depend on your abs to keep you stable or hold a can of soup in each hand and hold them out to the side.

C) Drink 2 L of water and hold it as long as possible. When you are ready to burst, drink another 250 L of water, and sit on the toilet for 5 minutes before being allowed to pee. To make harder, choose one or more of the following: wear a plug, wear tight pants, do not allow yourself to close your legs, or roll a 5 before you are allowed to sit on the toilet.

11-05-2017, 03:06 PM
So I had a hard time coming up with an idea for this task. I wanted to hold a coin against the wall with my nose but that is kinda boring, so I thought.... Why not stuff 6 marshmallows in my ass, plug it and see how long I can manage to hold the coin in that condition.

For some reason the marshmallows were very effective, I had the "needing to go" feeling before I even got in position. I got in position against the wall with my nose pressed tightly against the coin. The first few minutes weren't too bad but after about 5 I was already starting to squirm.

At 8 minutes I got a time check, I couldn't believe it had only been 8 minutes. I thought about giving up right then, I couldn't really cross my legs or find a position that helped. I continued on squeeking and squirming trying my best to keep the quarter in place. Every minute after that dragged on. At around the 12 minute mark I squirmed a little too much and the quarter slipped a little and I had to turn my head a bit to hold it. So now I'm holding the quarter with my face pressed against the wall and I was really starting to get desperate.

After 15 minutes holding the coin I was starting to get the sweats and cramps I really didn't think I could hang on much longer but I was really determined to make it to 20 minutes. I clenched tighter gritted my teeth and pressed myself harder against the wall. I got another time check at 18 minutes, I was seriously starting to consider either quitting or just "letting go" (I don't mean the coin).
But the competition is endurance so I just pressed my face harder and held on.

I was sure I was over the 20 minutes by now, it seemed forever since the time check and I was doing everything I could to keep things under control. I guess I wiggled a bit too much cause I felt the quarter slipping. As soon as it started to slip I ran, and I mean RAN to the bathroom... I think the rest may be far too much information for most people to want to hear.

And the official time! 19:56 WTF!! I was sure I made 20 minutes, but I did try my hardest so I don't feel too bad about it. I am also glad that is not something I will have to do again! (I hope)

11-05-2017, 03:08 PM
When I first saw the options I was unsure what to go for as one was a limit and two were dislikes of mine. So I spent almost a full week putting it off and constantly changing my mind which option I was going to take. I eventually settled on option B, figuring this would be the one that I found the easiest. But I was wrong!

I started by getting my 6 inch dong with a suction base and stuck it firmly on top of the toilet seat, which was quite a bit lower down than I am used to when using it. Slowly I lowered myself on to it and for the first thrust I had to adjust it a little as I was having a bit of difficulty slipping it inside of me. When I managed to get it inside of me the first time I lowered myself as far down as I could and waited for a second or two before pulling myself off it. I repeated this fifteen times and my thighs were already aching and it was at this point I knew I most likely wasn't going to manage very many.

Onn the fifteenth time; I stayed still with the toy inside me for about ten seconds before pushing mysrlf back up and forcing myself to continue. I managed another thirty thrusts before I had to stop and rest for about thirty seconds again. Even though I was already aching I could feel myself getting wetter with each thrust and a few times I circled my clit lightly with my figers for a little bit of extra stimulation.
When I was ready to continue I started again and this time I went a little faster with the thrusts and it was here it changed from simply squatting down on top of it to actually fucking myself with it. I was getting quite turned on by this point, almost enough to ignore the ache creeping up my legs and thighs.

Another thirty thrusts were made before I sat and rested for a minute with the toy still deep inside me. On this rest I squeezed my clit a little and felt the beginning tremors of an approaching orgasm. I continued thrusting and thought about how I must look with a dong stuck onto the toilet lid of all places while I pleasured myself with it and this caused my cheeks to redden as I thought about exactly where I was playing with myself and how I was getting so horny while squatting over not just the toy but the toilet too.

I'm not entirely sure how many thrusts I made in total only that it was at least a hundred. When I could take no more due to the ache in my thighs becoming so apparent I again rested with it firmly inside me and when I could breathe a little easier and didn't feel like I would fall over when standing up slowly slid the toy out of me, which by now was extremely wet with my juices. I then took the toy in one hand and cleaned it carefully using my tongue and mouth before I dressed myself and put the toy away again.

11-05-2017, 03:09 PM
Panting, weak legged anal slut

For this task I choose the fucking but it was much more difficult than I imagined it to be. I hardly managed to do it!

As a proper anal craving slut I started this task boldly. I was stark naked of course. Well… not entirely naked. I figured as girls in porn often wear high heels while being fucked so must I, and thus I put on my highest pair. Also I put in a large gag that really makes me drool, vicious clamps on my nipples, pegs on my genitals and…. a tampon in each of my nostrils.

I placed a very low container in front of the full sized mirror on my closet. I grabbed my longest suction cup dildo, lubed it up and planted it on top of it. Now, I slowly lowered myself down, letting the dong slide between my cheeks, squatting really deep due to the low container and added height of my heels.
I looked at my drooling silly self in the mirror as I did so. After I had the dildo slide deep inside me, almost balls deep, I went up again and I was already feeling an excruciating pain in my legs. This was almost undo-able, even while holding on to the container and I could only manage two fucks before having to take a break.

Even with the breaks I only managed 10 times of this insane fucking position. I love my ass being fucked, I love to feel it fill me up and stretch me, but this way…. was excruciating and I was panting like a stray dog in said dog’s usual position afterwards. I was gasping and drooling like crazy and decided to try and continue without the heels.

After kicking them off I still looked utterly ridiculous in the mirror. Saliva was dripping from my whore mouth and somehow managed to find my face too. I felt the dildo slide deep inside my butt again and the sharp pain in my legs to go with it as I went down. I tried to fuck myself a little faster. Trying to ignore the pain but I really couldn’t. My poor legs just wouldn’t hold me. A tampon popped from my nose as I plummeted to the ground into the puddle of my own drool. Panting like a stray dog with serious fatigue. Gasping for air. My heart pounding.

Between many little breaks like this I managed some more fucks totaling 50 in the end after which I decided it was enough! My ass was not the problem. My ass loves to be fucked more than anything, the deeper the better. Stretch it to the max please and fuck my brains out! It is really the only thing my hole is made for.

But my legs. My poor poor little legs…. just couldn’t do this.

11-05-2017, 03:10 PM
"Drink 2 L of water." That sounds simple, doesn't it? Like something that some of you better-hydrated people might do every morning?

But ...simple it is not!

My initial goal for this task was two hours of endurance (a quarter hour for each glassful, based on allowing 15 minutes for each cup of water to make its impact felt). Since I'd never tried something like this before, I wasn't sure what to expect, but it seemed like a reasonable amount of time to plan for.

The first surprise of the task was how difficult it was to drink two full liters in the first place. I managed the first half-liter in just under ten minutes, but it took almost 65 minutes to get all of it down from first sip to last. I felt so full all the time!!

Happily, while I engaged in mandatory hydration, I used the time to work on water-themed chores: Laundry. Doing the dishes. Scrubbing the sink. I labored away at a few of the tasks while squatting, just to make sure gravity was flowing in the right direction as I dunked my hand in and out of the mop bucket and cleaned the floors.

By the time that last half-liter hit my belly, I was really struggling. I gave myself a break to sit down for a couple of minutes to start my report, but it got harder every moment. As I resumed work on my wet, soggy chores, the dishwasher gently sloshed water between its walls. The toilet tank trickled each time I flushed and scrubbed it.

With the goal of making the grand finale as challenging as possible, I planned to prime my instincts by sitting on the toilet completely normally: knees apart, pants at my ankles. On top of that, my five-minute waiting period would be accompanied by the melodic tinkle of running water in the sink. While normalizing the feel of it meant accidentally wetting any clothes was unlikely, I did slip a favorite towel between the freshly-scrubbed toilet bowl and the seat; if I couldn't make it through all five minutes, I'd face the additional penalty of the poor towel getting drenched (and then I'd have nothing to dry myself with afterwards)!

When I finally reached the two-hour mark, I downed the final glass of water.

Already aching for release, I wasn't sure I'd make it. With the faucet gently trickling away beside me, my feet drummed frantically at the floor. Four more minutes. Then three. I almost lost it. I squirmed frantically on the seat. There was a moment when I panicked that perhaps I hadn't been 100% successful at holding off at all! But there were only two minutes to go, and I just kept doing my best. I could make it, couldn't I?

For about 5 seconds, there was a brief and blissful moment when my mind focused on a distraction in the background. Then the urgency came roaring back.

My feet pounded little taps on the floor, squirming like a four-year-old, my knees just barely remaining apart.

Until finally... it was time.

It took less than 3 seconds for me to bolt to a safe configuration once the clock chimed. I didn't care how undignified it was, I just wanted to LET GO.




11-05-2017, 03:12 PM
The third option seemed the most interesting and doable for me, so I chose that one. The others either involved kneeling (at least for the extra points I would need) or squatting, and due to an injury I'm not physically capable of doing either of those for an extended time at the moment.

Even though I HATE anal, I inserted a medium sized plug, big enough that it wouldn't fall out but not so big it would be painful or unbearable. It hurt a bit going in and was not pleasant, but I got relatively accustomed to it after a while. Next I wore a pair of tight boxer-briefs and a pair of jeans with 28 inch waist. I normally wear a 33, so it was quite a squeeze and rather uncomfortable. This had the added effect of constantly putting pressure on my bladder.

I started off by drinking a 2L bottle of water as fast as I could, it still probably took me 10 minutes or so to get it down. This made me feel a bit full and bloated. I was determined not to cross my legs and I sat on my sofa watching TV while I waited for the water to make its way through the digestive system and into my bladder. To make things even more difficult, I drank a couple of beers in the meantime while I was watching a baseball game. This was probably a bad idea...

A couple of hours later I REALLY needed to pee, so I drank another glass of water. The task originally read "drink another 250 L of water, but I assume the intention was 250 ML, as 250 liters is approximately 66 gallons, or nearly an entire bathtub full :P. So I drank a glass of water and decided I would wait till I rolled a 5 before going to sit on the toilet.

I was squirming already, but I decided for every roll that's not a 5, I would wait that many minutes before rolling again. I went to random.org and got a 5 on my first roll! I was super excited and rushed to the toilet, lifted the lid and set a timer for 5 minutes on my cell phone before sitting down, still fully dressed.

As I watched the time count down, I tried to focus on "just make it to the next minute" I was squirming and bent over, but made it to 4 mins with no problems. I had to remind myself not to cross my legs, as the pressure was nearly overbearing as the countdown approached 3 mins remaining. At about the 2:45 mark I began to try to grab my dick head and hold it shut through the jeans.

I wasn't able to fully control it, and started peeing a bit with just under 2 mins remaining. I felt the warmth against my skin and on my hand as a spot appeared over the crotch of my jeans and I could hear the piss dripping into the toilet water below. I only peed for about 5 seconds or so before being able to stop, but I felt shame and humiliation at my predicament and my failure.

This process repeated itself throughout the remaining time, I could hold for 20-30 seconds but then would pee for 5-10 seconds. When the alarm went off, my bladder was still probably about 85% full, and I hurriedly undid my button, unzipped, stood a little and slid everything down at once. Of course, as soon as I moved my hand to unbutton, I started pissing like a water hose, so my clothes were getting soaked in the 15-20 seconds it took me to get my pants and underwear off. Of course, the butt plug shot out and splashed into the toilet, I could feel the cold water splash up onto my ass and balls. I peed for a solid 2 or 3 minutes. It felt really degrading having to reach in with my bare hand and retrieve the butt plug from the yellow toilet water before flushing.

As punishment for not being able to completely hold it, I continued to wear my pee soaked pants for the rest of the day, and wore my wet undies overnight until the next morning. I felt very dirty and humiliated, and the unpleasant smell wetness was a constant reminder of my failure.

11-06-2017, 03:38 AM
Everyone is doing such a great job and I love reading/seeing everyone's work. :D

kurious kat
11-07-2017, 08:32 AM
I just love all these reports.