View Full Version : Proof reading

09-09-2009, 11:46 AM
Fortunately there are a lot of good writers on this site so I’m hoping some of you can give me some tips on this subject.

09-09-2009, 11:47 AM
On the subject of proofreading? I'm not sure what it is you are actually asking.

09-09-2009, 11:57 AM
On the subject of proofreading? I'm not sure what it is you are actually asking.

Tips on technique of how to spot mechanical mistakes easily.

I use word spellchecker for spelling but still don’t seem to spot all my other mechanical mistakes easily.

Professional writers use other professional proof readers to check their work. I just want to know if anyone has any simple self assessment/editing rules.

09-09-2009, 11:57 AM
For what my opinion is worth, I seem to be having lots of luck with writing ahead in Word or OpenOffice. I try to stay a few chapters ahead of whatever has been submitted.

Before I submit anything, I try to let what I wrote stew for a few days. That way I don't feel the same immediacy, and it is easier for me to edit it. It's easier for me to be in editor mode when I'm not still in writer mode. I skim through looking for the little squiggle marks that show typos first, then I go back through and re-read what I wrote. I've found that I'm terrible about leaving out words, especially when I rush to get something typed out.

I also try to keep a tab open with access to a dictionary/thesaurus.

09-09-2009, 11:59 AM
I have a couple of methods. After I've written what I'm going to post, I always take a couple days away from it. When you come back to it, read it aloud, being sure to pronounce things exactly as written and observing all puncutation.

You can also get a beta reader.

09-10-2009, 01:19 PM
For me, I read over the entire section of the story. I make corrections if I mispelled a word or wanted to use a different word.

Some more advice is try not to be too repetitive with words, here's an example I'll write:


"Truth or Dare?" Poopnose said.

"Dare." Urinemouth said.

"Strip off your clothes." Poopnose said.

"Okay." Urinemouth said.

"Wait, what about me?" Said Anusface.

"Okay, you can strip too." Said Poopnose.

"CoOoLiO!" Anusface said.

"Me too!" Said Penismuncher.


Get my drift? Most writers on this site (including me) know what I'm talking about. Proofreading is an art, of course. If I'm not sure about a word and think it's not spelled right, I usually use http://dictionary.reference.com/. It's a good site to find the right word you meant to spell. If you want to, you can use the thesaurus link on that site for better words.

Of course, all this is solved if you use Microsoft Word. If you don't have it though (which a lot of people actually don't), especially if you have a mac (like me, but I have word on it), use those sites to correct yourself. Using the Application "Pages" on Mac works too.

Most of the time, though, I just read through, since 90% of the time I spell something right.

(Another thing, make sure you put periods instead of commas! That drives me NUTS!!!!)

09-12-2009, 09:02 AM
I agree with pretty much everything that was said. I always try to leave a few days before going back to my writing (unless i'm in a big hurry to get a post out). Then after checking for grammar and spelling i re-read through it to see if i have any new ideas to add, or to change word repetition like chubbsman said.

Then i usually come back to it about an hour or so later, read it one last time out loud, and if i'm satisfied its sent into the world of getDare!

hope that helps!