View Full Version : Independance Day dare

07-04-2017, 05:18 AM
So today is Independance Day in the U.S. One of my friends on GD was telling me that he was planning on celebrating by being independent of his underwear for the day and planned on going commando.

I though it was a great idea. To celebrate the 4th of July with the Americans on GD, I dare you to be independent of one thing for the day.

A few examples:

- Don't wear any underwear if you usually wear some.
- Be independent of makeup for the day.
- Walk (or bike, or commute) to work/school/wherever you're going instead of using your car.
- Don't use your hands at all to masturbate.
- Forgo you favourite toy for the day.
- Only use your non-dominant hand today.

Be creative and have fun!

Komodo Jones
07-25-2017, 07:02 PM
Even though it is July 25th, where I am I feel that I should comment on this...given that I was the friend who said he was going independent from underpants on July 4th. So it may be a while until this dare gets any more responses. I will say I did manage to succeed even though there were was a couple major hiccups. I will also say I chose underwear, since I assumed I would be spending some time with my family which was true. But if that wasn't the case I would go the full nine yards and say clothes, which maybe I'll give up something different next year. Anyway, there were two major hiccups. One I was working on about three hours of sleep, and I don't function well if I don't get a proper amount of sleep. So throughout the day I was dying, although by the time I felt I could actually get to sleep it was too late in the day to take a nap for me. Now the main reason I was up so late is because people though it was a good idea to shoot off fireworks at 1:30 in the frickin' morning and I didn't get to sleep until four and woke up at 7. Anyway, that caused me to ask my parents if I could spend the night at their house so that I could get some decent sleep.

Which I did, and now my parents now that I occasionally sleep nude, but I don't know I didn't feel easy sleeping nude now that I don't live with them anymore and I don't exactly have a room to call my own. Actually recently, it's turned into my dad's bedroom, but I digress. Despite me wanting to die, I did manage to stay up until 10 before I took off my jean shorts and shirt so that I was completely naked in the office bed. I found it really difficult to find sleep though as the computer monitor's blue glare kept me up for a while. I got some sleep and woke up and say that it was midnight or 1. Since I had gone the full 24 hours, I put the pair of boxers I had brought with me on and I was able to sleep much more comfortable after that as the blankets were not the greatest texture against me.

Well that's my dull story, just letting anyone who cares I did succeed and if I do something next year, I guess I'll comment then too.