View Full Version : Buttplug competition

06-01-2017, 06:36 AM
I had an idea for a game i wanted to share.
The main idea is that all participants have a competition and the one who wore his buttplug the longest time over a week wins.
The loser(s) has to (try to) fulfill a wish of the winner(s) (that may involve performing tasks, etc. but keep it reasonable of course) and will be denied depending on his relative performance.

The rules: One person will the the judge and at least 2 other will participate.
just state in the comments that you are willing to participate in the next round if you want to.
When enough people are found the judge will set a starting date in the near future. (Every participant should be aware of the starting time BEFORE it begins ;) ).

Once it started every participant tries to wear his/ her buttplug as long as he wishes to. The only important thing is to keep track of the times when you insert/ remove it. Use your phone or write it down on a paper. it doesn´t matter how.
At the end of the day everybody has to report the times to the judge via a PM. With this procedure nobody will know where he/ she stands to keep it a bit more mysterious. :p

After exactly 3 times 24 hours (one could also say three days for all the smartasses out there ;) ) the judge will compute the overall time for each participant and publish the result in this thread.
The important thing is that only full uninterrupted hours will be counted.
That means if somebody wore it for 1.5 hours, removed it and wore it again for 0.75 hours later on, he will only have worn it for only 1 hour.
The judge has to keep track of this though.

At the end the top 1/3 of the players are considered as winners and the bottom 1/3 as winners (rounded up) and each winner may chose one loser for the wish the loser has to fulfill.
The best performing winner may chose a loser at first and the second best as second etc. (of course).

Each loser will be denied for the difference between the best performing player´s total and his total days.
(If I explained it to complex: Persons A and B win with a total of 20 respectively 19 hours and C and D both lose with a total of 10 resp. 8 hours in total. Then C gets denied for 20-10=10 days and D for 20-8=12 days.)

Well, that´s the idea. If you have questions feel free to ask.

P.S.: If there are enough participants I would volunteer as a judge for the first round.