View Full Version : Capsaicin and Pokemon Go for a Harsh Punishment

08-23-2016, 07:33 PM
So you have been a bad girl or guy? Follow this punishment and you may be forgiven.

You will need:
-Diapers: at least one but I would recommend at least another one unless you have plastic panties
-Capsaicin cream/gel/patch: the stuff that makes peppers hot... can be obtained in any pharmacy in the back pain / arthritis relief section.
-Fleet saline enema: 200mL if using a saline solution, 500mL if using pure water.
-Spandex panties or tight boxers or plastic panties if you have them

So here is how it goes:

-Apply one layer of capsaicin cream to your butt cheeks and sit spot. STAY AWAY from your genitals/anus. This thing can burn really hard. See http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Believe-Grown-Ups-Need-Spankings-Too---Not-The-Pervy-Kind/1979813 for more info on it.
-Empty the enema in you.
-Put on the diaper(s) and tight panties/boxers/plastic pants to keep everything in place.
-Dress up in street cloths.
-Now you are to leave your place and go out. You can only come back and change after you have caught 20 pokemons in Pokemon Go (if you live in a city center or very rural area, adjust to make it last 45-60mn).

It may seem easy but here is the catch: having to catch pokemons, you will have to make frequent stops and focus on aiming that pokeball. It will become hard to keep the enema in and as you release it, the heat from the warm liquid on you butt cheeks will activate the capsaicin and the burning sensation will only grow worth from then. In addition, if you turn back to early, you will have to wait for pokemons to spawn before you can go home, remove the capsaicin and change.

Punishment for coming home early: you can chose to either get changed and keep the capsaicin until its effects fade or remove the capsaicin but then put the same diaper back on and keep it for another hour.

As usual, please post a report in this thread and/or by MP ;)