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View Full Version : Rules for. June-19f

05-31-2016, 09:27 PM
So basically as it says in the title, i want rules for June. Maybe will go to July depending how long I keep the thread open. Anyways, I want any rules. Everything you can think of. Control me. I'll write them all and make an album.

05-31-2016, 09:36 PM
1. No using the toilet to pee. Find somewhere else. Sinks, pants, outside, you name it.

2. Sleep naked above the covers. June is a hot month. You don't need those blankets.

3. You may only wear a bra once a week. You may NEVER wear panties, except for rule 4.

4. You must piss in a pair of panties once every five days.

5. Whenever you are home, you must have a toy in you.

6. You must have a toy in you at least two hours a day.

7. Line a bra with sand paper. That is the bra you will wear for rule three (and it must be worn once a week).

8. You must each every meal at home off of a plate on the floor. Once a week you cannot use your hands.

9. You must practice anal. Once a day, play with your asshole for at least fifteen minutes.


05-31-2016, 10:10 PM
1) show off in public. Let people see skin. Short skirts, legs open when sitting. Show as much as you can, to as many people as you can. Don't make it look intentional.
If some kind soul tells you you are showing too much, then them. If you can "fix" things in a way that exposes you differently, and make it seem unintentional, do so. If not, compose yourself for now, and expose again later.

2) once a week, flash someone. Look for a guy who looks like he isn't great with the ladies, the kind who probably has never seen a girl nude in person. Give him an eyefull.

3) get caught checking out other girls several times a week.

4) wear button down shirts at least twice a week. Have a button or two undone beyond the level you normally would.

5) every time you shop for clothing, of any kind, ask a guy for an opinion how you look. Follow rule #1 when vetting opinions.

6) take a few sexy (even nude) selfies once a week, and send them all intentionally to the "wrong" person. Can only use a particular person one time.

7) write full, detailed reports for all dares you do. If you have dares you did and never wrote a report, catch up on it!

8) find an outdoors place where you have a chance to be caught, but could get off unseen. Strip naked, and do 50 jumping jacks. If some catches you, you must still finish the jumping jacks before you can get dressed

05-31-2016, 10:58 PM
Here are rules outside the box for you.
1. You must check your phone, when you first wakeup in bed.
2. You must edge 8 times a day for all of June. 5 of those edges must be done in public places.
3. You must twist each nipple, 30 times in bed before getting out of bed.
4. You must drink a bottle of water every morning when you first wakeup in bed for the whole month of June.
5. You will also drink another 64 ozs of water daily for the whole month of June.
6. You are only allowed to pee three times a day. Morning, afternoon and then bedtime.
7. You will shower on your knees for the whole month of June.
8. You will always say, "Thankyou, " no matter what for the whole month of June.
9. You will pull each nipple, 64 times while you are in the shower. For the whole month of June.
10. You will act like a cute puppy for 5 days.
11. You will act like a cute pony for the next 5 days.
12. You will act like a cute baby lamb for the next 5 days.
13. You will act like a cute kitten for the next 5 days.

If you fail to follow any of the above rules, then you will be punished!
I will set your punishment and you will not know before hand.

Detroit Dom
06-01-2016, 09:42 AM
1. you cant shave your pussy for as long as you decide to let the rules apply.
2. you must pee standing like a man

06-01-2016, 01:55 PM
No shaving at all for the month.
You must ask a guy you know out on a date.
When you have your period you must ask getdare users what sanitary protection you can use.

06-21-2016, 10:33 AM
Thank you everyone for the rules. If anyone has any more for me please share them. I'm most likely going to continue the rules for 2 more months (end of August)

06-21-2016, 11:18 AM
Are you doing all of them then?

06-21-2016, 11:56 AM
Are you doing all of them then?

this is an important question.
Are you?
and if you're not, what ones are you doing, and what ones aren't you doing?

06-21-2016, 12:02 PM
First thing, add me as a friend.

Most of the rules are really great. However a few are way to soft for a slut like you.

So, let me first fix that, and then let me write you up some.

You may only wear a bra once a week. You may NEVER wear panties, except for rule 4.


You may only wear bra AND panties once a week. Same workday. Whenever is that day, you must wear the bra and panties both made as in the link. You must chose the bumpiest roads everywhere you go. If you take any form of public transportation do your best to ensure it is full of passengers.

every time you shop for clothing, of any kind, ask a guy for an opinion how you look. Follow rule #1 when vetting opinions.

Insist that he enters the changing room to see you changing. Tell him you need some help holding the clothes, or something.

You will also drink another 64 ozs of water daily for the whole month of June.

That one is a no-rule, especially considering that the doctors recommend as similar amount per person, depending on weight. So...

Find out how much they would recommend you to drink every day, then double it. That is the amount of water daily you should drink.

No, this is not dangerous. For water to be poisonous, you must drink many, many times this amount. What the doctors recommend is a minimal amount only.

Besides, once the time is over, it will be it easy for you to revert to the recommended amount.

You must ask a guy you know out on a date.

You must ask a guy you have friend zoned out on a date. If the guy tries to fuck you... let him.

Now, my rules:

If you ever find a guy checking on you, you must approach him.

Whenever you are in your house, the all shades are down.

You must sleep every night with a vibrating butt plug and a vibrating dildo set to minimum.

You must never eat at the table at home. Instead, you will use a dog plate (or similar), preferably with "SLUT" written on it, set on the floor, and on four legs.

Every time you are forced to wear shoes, you will take a few pebbles or stones and you will put them inside your shoe, previous to you wearing it. You will not take your shoe off to make you feel better. You will always carry additional pebbles with you to replace them if they fall off.

Every night and every morning, you will repeat "I AM NOTHING BUT A SLUT" 50 times before getting your feet on the ground (or removing any toys).

06-21-2016, 12:10 PM
this is an important question.
Are you?
and if you're not, what ones are you doing, and what ones aren't you doing?

Make a new blog post with the rules that you have accepted, specifying their validity. In that blog post, also list the ones that you will not do, and specify why.

Then put two links to that post from this thread. The first one as a reply, the second one from the thread's opening message.

06-21-2016, 12:19 PM
It will be in the comments of that blog post that you will put your constant reports.

06-21-2016, 01:09 PM
Once a week, drink plenty of liquid right before going to bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night, you have to keep holding it until your alarm goes off(or when you would normally wake up), and then you can let go and soak your bedsheets and panties. If you don't wake up during the night, you have to orgasm while you're still bursting and then you can pee wherever you wish.