View Full Version : I need clothes, please help!

04-30-2016, 05:35 PM
So recently I was dared to add to my PM dares: PM LEGGINGS X and I will wear leggings uncovered for X hours.

But I don't have any leggings and the person wouldn't help me pick any. So I was wondering if someone here could choose one for me? Has to be from woman within or other plus size site.

http://www.womanwithin.com/Plus-Size-Leggings.aspx?DeptId=20499&affiliate_id=020&affiliate_location_id=94&WT.srch=1&gclid=Cj0KEQjwr5G5BRD_n-T0pf7x4ucBEiQAlxHOPyH_zT_Sqf4WFZvi25vax99ZEhci7tqs h-XPL3KHaeQaAtwL8P8HAQ

Also need a short skirt and low-cut top for a similar PM dare addition.

If you can help, thanks :)

05-01-2016, 06:22 AM

Make it paradise pink