View Full Version : Cup of pee dare

07-15-2015, 11:33 AM
First of all take a pint glass and fill it with your pee, for a week you must keep it in your room. Every day that week you must put a small amount of that pee (as much as you want) onto a different item in your room, for example day 1 may be your pillow, day two may be an item of clothing such as your jeans, day three may be in the soil of a potted plant. You may not clean these items until a week has passed.

At the end of the week, if there is any left you must tip it over yourself and not change/wash for 30 minutes, so if you only put a little onto your possessions then it'll be harder at this point.

This dare will be worse now in summer when its hot, feel free to put the cup somewhere it'll get nice and warm.

Please leave a report if you do this dare!

07-15-2015, 12:16 PM
its like nearly not possible for those who live with family though its a very good dare :3 i would really like to try something like this but i end up throwing away all the piss i saved every single time