View Full Version : 24/male/master seeks 18+/female/slave in (see post) (serious replies only)

07-11-2015, 04:53 PM
24/male/master seeks 18+/female/slave in (see post) (serious replies only)

Hello and thank you for reading my ad. I have been on this website for a few months and made an ad with little to no success, so I thought it might be a good idea to try again and make a new ad with some additions, edits, ideas... etc. It's going to be long, and I don't expect everyone to read everything, but I'll do my best to keep the important things in in the beginning in the front of the paragraph, followed by misc information. Enjoy and thank you for you time.

What I look like
I'm a 24 year old Dom (close to 10 years of exp/interest) in California (Norcal to be specific), weighing 145 pounds, 5'4", white skin, semi-long hair, hazel eyes, clean complexion. I don't have any tattoos or piercings, average build, and I've been told I've got a great smile. Favorite color is maroon.

My Hobbies
I am a computer nerd, I love online gaming and invest way way too much time into my Steam. I enjoy drinking mountain dew so much that I considered it to be a hobby in of itself. I do eat healthy though and enjoy cooking very much! Anime... my life. Minecraft is something that I do religiously. So if you game and watch anime and enjoy killing zombies, big kudos!

How did I get involved in the lifestyle?
Well, I learned about it when I was young as I'm sure most of you when I was very young. I got my first computer when I was 13 years old and found a link that had the word "Fetish" and when I licked on it, I thought that I was looking at things from a snuff film. I was so close of telling my mom to call the parents. You see, growing up in a sheltered home, you don't really get exposed to anything like that. I didn't and I'm very happy that I kept my thoughts to myself. That being said, I grew up with this fascination and it really made my youth years complicated, because I thought there was something wrong with me. Most kids my age wanted to have sex with girls, and here I am wanting them to be tied up in my bedroom -- but I didn't stop, I needed more of time. It became an obsession for me, I needed to know more and wanted to slowly become apart of time. That being said, I started turning to chatrooms to get answers, and found in my amazement how many other people where also involved in this. I start off roleplaying with people and then I found out that people actually had subs online, well that was something that made me curious and so I went on a search for a sub online. It became quickly apparent that it wasn't an easy process and took a lot of trail and error. ha! I'm sure you guys know what I mean. Well when I was 18 I felt like I was ready to experience this lifestyle offline, and found a sub in my local area. It was a great experience for the first 6 months, but we slowly slipped off the M/s bandwagon as she slowly lost interest and I felt that I had this incomplete hole in my life. It was there when I knew that BDSM was apart of me and not a fetish. That wasn't the reason why it broke up between me and her, but it was a factor. From that point on, I have had a few other long-term subs since then, and of course the fakes that last only a week, a day, an hour before we get the "I can't do this" -- yeah, a countless number of those.

Side Note
I'm going to stop for a second and say, an online lifestyle with a sub or a Dom can be equally rewarding as offline, but if you're going to do this online, you have to be willing to put in the work for it to last, and that's not always fun. It involves some major compromises and patience, and if you're not willing to make those things inherent, it won't work or not very often.

What am I looking for in a sub?
I'm looking for someone who shares my passion and vision for BDSM and I have only found that in very few people. I want to find someone who is willing to go the distance and offer me complete submission. Under this control, and I want her to find comfort in that. She will know that she is in great hands and her Dom will protect her with everything. She will know that her limits won't be passed and that her ideas, thoughts and ideas matter. In a since, I as a Dom will be submitting to my sub. It's an interesting thing to think about. I want a sub who is going to be at home naked and bowing at my feet willing to worship me in any way I wish. I want a sub who is going to be ready for me when we assign a time to be online. I want a sub who has time and can include me in her life. This should not be confused with the idea that I am taking away my subs life away from her personal life, I won't ever let this interfere from her family or personal life, but I want her devote time regularly with me. That's very important to me. If I can do it working full-time and going to school, I don't think it's unreasonable, even if it's only an hour a day. She must be respectful, mature and well mannered, I don't do bratty.

What am I like as a Dom?
Most people think of a Dom as this emotionless figure whip is whip that demands service and then afterwords, he wants nothing to do with her and tosses her away. As that is sometimes the case for some, that's not how I roll. (I'm a little more classy than that) As I mentioned before, I am not going to treat my sub like an object, but a person. I am a loving and caring Dom, and I respect my sub tremendously, however, I am strict and pay close attention. I do give rules and I expect them to be followed every day, I give assignment and I expect them to be througho, I expect my sub to give me 110%. I do give rewards to my sub when I feel like she deserves them, however, I don't tolerate insubordination and if I see a punishment is needed, I'm not afraid to give it and I won't hold back. -- and for the record, a punishment won't be enjoyable, you want to avoid those. And of course aftercare is something that I give without thought. And yes, I abide with SSC. Another important thing I should let you know, I don't think this lifestyle is fair at all. As a Dom, I will be given the option to make my sub do things that I want her to do and my word is law. Now, being the responsible Dom that I am, I haven't had any issues with this, but I know what my role is and how to use my power.

What are sessions and what do they involve?
A session is what we do when I have her serve me for a set duration that usually involve sexual activities for a constant. (she will always do what she is told, but I think the idea makes since). These session happen regularly, and more than likely during the evening time. They last anywhere from 15-30 minutes and this is where we can get really creative. We sometimes will do edging assignment the entire session, we will do bondage (where I have you tied up and torment her body), masturbation and getting off constantly. Objects and such can be toys or we can improvise with household objects (I can be very creative). Now keep in mind, we don't do anything with blood, pee/scat, or anything that's going to cause permanent scaring. However, this should be known very clearly. All sessions are done on cam, unless stated otherwise. A face is not necessary, but I wouldn't mind seeing your expression and it shows me that you trust me -- trust takes time and I get it if that needs to take some time.

Kinks and Limits


Role playing
Pet play (minor)
Eroic reading
Being open-minded and weird!


Role playing
Pet play (minor)
Eroic reading
Being open-minded and weird!


Likes to smile and joke around and be bubbly
Enjoying the idea of watching netlfix with her Dom
Likes anime
Enjoy pussy pain.


Be single (Yes. it's cheating!)
Have own privacy

Side Note
I don't mind if my sub is in the UK or around that area, just make sure you're flexible with your time, however, It's preferred to have someone in the US. I'm totally open to meeting if that ever happens to be something that happens in the future. I'm okay with exchanging numbers. I feel like it's like any other relationship, it's just long distance.


Reply to this ad with the following questions answered and the title of the ad: Application for submission.

Basic info
• Name:
• Age:
• Sex:
• State:
• Country:

Rate yourself
(1 being lowest 10 being highest)
• Level of Experience:
• Level of Obedience:
• Level of Stubbornness:
• Level of Open-mindedness:
• Level of Following directions:
• Level of Knowledge:
• Level of Maturity:
• Level of pain tolerance:

• Are you shy:
• Are you easy to talk to:
• Are you a playful type:
• Are you a serious type:
• Are you in a relationship:
• Are you willing to serve multiple:
• Are you a virgin:
• Do you have another master:
• Have you had any other masters:
(If so) How many and how long:
• Do you like to role-play:
• Willing to share pics:
• Willing to share webcam:
• Willing to share mic:
• What are your limits:
• What are your likes:
• What are you dislikes
• Would you rather respond short & simple or Long & descriptive:

• What do you look like:
• What made you apply to this ad:
• What most interest you about becoming a slave:
• What does it mean to be a slave:
• What does it mean to be a master:
• What do you look for in a master:
• Why should I choose you to be my slave:

• How often are you online:
• How often would you be available:
• How soon would you like to start:
• How long are you interested in being a slave:
• What is your online Skype:

I think that this is a good bunch of information to show what I'm looking and hopefully answers questions too. Anything else, I'm sure can be asked, but this should help determine if you're actually interested. Thank you so much for reading any your time!

08-01-2015, 09:33 AM
Bumping for the new month

08-01-2015, 11:01 AM
Excellent ad. Good luck!

08-06-2015, 04:44 PM
Nice ad! I like how you've described yourself outside of kink and you know what you're looking for. Good luck!

08-07-2015, 10:49 AM
This is a wonderful ad! Good luck in your search :)

08-07-2015, 07:12 PM
Awe, you guys are awesome! I was afraid it sounded too perverted to be completely honest. Thank you for the nice complements.

09-07-2015, 08:32 AM
I'm still looking if anyone is interested. Thanks for all the support.

09-19-2015, 05:38 PM
I'm going to bump this for another month. Thank you. :)

10-29-2015, 12:02 AM
Another quick dump for the month

11-19-2015, 04:36 PM
Just pushing this for November. Still looking, feel free to message me with any questions or interest.

12-20-2015, 02:37 AM
Push for December