View Full Version : Dares for tonight please?! ill be on later.

02-24-2009, 01:01 PM
I was thinking and after i get through with the net tonight at taco bell, i will be heading over to the park if there are dares listed on here. Its kinda cold so that wont be fun :( but oh well. Dare me anything within my limits so i can have some fun tonight.

limits.. no ice, crossdress.

i will do anything else and even secluded public stuff.

anything to do with wedgies to swirlies, being naked in a spot for a length of time to nut shots to even golden showers... anything.. My dare for you is to just bring it!

as far as messy goes, theres mud, soap, trash, gum, etc. if cheap, i may be able to buy something.

02-24-2009, 03:27 PM
i will help you out first find some old park gum and start chewing it than put anything you find anyware in your undies now hanging wegie off a sturdy tree for 20 minutes wile chewing the gum from earlier talk to people as they walk by

02-24-2009, 04:14 PM
i will help you out first find some old park gum and start chewing it than put anything you find anyware in your undies now hanging wegie off a sturdy tree for 20 minutes wile chewing the gum from earlier talk to people as they walk by

Safty warning...

Do not chew old gum, especially not from someone else, gum is a great place for bacteria to form, and the chances are you will get at least a mild ilness off it, maybe even a lot worse.

02-24-2009, 09:09 PM
Wished i had of known that earlier... i once chewed some gum from a urnial.. any other dares and ill do em tomorrow night too.

02-24-2009, 10:28 PM
You need to get a cup or an empty bottle and a pack of gum.. Piss in the cup/bottle, and then set it down, you will need it later on. Next, strip down to your underwear. Now you need to walk form that spot (leave your clothes hidden in a bush) to a bench. Check under it. If there is any gum there, pull it off and add it to your underwear. If not, keep walking till you find some under a bench. If you don't find any, go pick a few pieces of trash out of a trash can to add to your underwear. Now chew an entire pack of gum. Once it is nice and chewed up, split the wad in half, and put one half in each of your shoes. Now put your shoes on and find a nice big tree with some nice and study branches. Give yourself a hanging wedgie, and take the bottle/cup with you. Count to 150, and if your underwear hasn't ripped yet, pour the piss over your head. Then count to 150 again, and get down. If your underwear had ripped, you need to go find your clothes, pour the piss all over them and put them back on. But go put your ripped underwear on a park bench for someone to find. If you leave your ripped underwear on a bench, go back during the day to see if its still there, and if it is, take them with you.

Hope you like that dare. ;)

02-24-2009, 11:07 PM
yep, its a kool dare that i cant wait to do.

02-24-2009, 11:15 PM
Ok, here is another dare. Go buy a burger or something at a place like McDonald's. Eat most of the sandwhich. The part you don't eat save. Next time you go out somewhere put it in your underwear. Every so often take a little bit out and eat it. If you don't finish it before you get back home, what is left is now part of a wedgie. Make sure the food is in the back of your underwear and give yourself a permanent wedgie. You now need to keep that wedgie in until you have gone to bed and waken up the next morning.

02-25-2009, 10:14 AM
Wished i had of known that earlier... i once chewed some gum from a urnial.. any other dares and ill do em tomorrow night too.

Did we once have this conversation? Because i remember saying to someone not to chew old gum and someone said they did out of a urinal....

I would probably have been i_am_james then.

Ah well

02-25-2009, 08:34 PM
Wasnt with me... i believe i did that once before... not totally sure. Could have been an extreme thought i had.