View Full Version : Guessing game

11-28-2014, 07:06 AM
I am male and in my 20s, and I'd rather play this game with men of that age or younger.

I have amassed quite a large amount of shoes, to the point where storage is getting to be an issue, but I can't bring myself to part with a lot of them. I am also in pretty bad shape due to an unhealthy lifestyle. So I have this game I play with people where I go down the line with the shoes that I own and, once a day, someone gets to guess the brand, color, and function (i.e., dress, casual, boot, running, hiking, etc.) of that day's pair.

Getting one thing right means I eat 3 servings of vegetables that day.
Getting two things right means I add a mile run.
No one's ever gotten all 3, but that would mean unlimited permission to make me do anything health-related.

If I don't do what I'm required, I have to throw the pair.

Only the first guess by the first person per day counts.