View Full Version : Fiction: 3 vs. 1

11-09-2013, 03:31 PM
A very very very long time ago I was writing a story about a boy and his brother and three cousins. It was pretty crap but it seemed like a lot of people like it...I was just reading it over and noticed I never finished it! I think I will...start over from scratch. I mean, if I start over I can add in more detail and make it better, right?

Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I will add the first part soon ~

11-09-2013, 04:10 PM
Friday, 1:52 PM
Location: School Room 122

8 minutes.
The clock was ticking. Each one seemed louder and louder but every tenth it got quieter. The cycle repeated again and again.
Louder, louder, louder, louder, louder, louder, louder, louder, louder, LOUDER...
Softer, softer, softer, softer, softer, softer, softer, softer, softer, softer...

7 minutes.

I chewed on the tip of my pencil as I gazed at the last sentences to translate on the Latin Test.

Caecilius et filius ambulant ad forum. Caecilius da pecuniam ad filium.

I couldn't concentrate. I was so excited it was the weekend I just couldn't.

6 minutes.

I looked over to my left to where my older brother was sitting. His name is Elliot and he is a Junior. Me? Well, I'm a Freshman and my name is Jack. He had already finished. Since the Latin program is so small in our school, all the Latin classes are bunched together and we all learn things at different paces. He had a quick quiz while I had a full test.

He smirked as I caught his attention. He shook his head and then look at the clock above Miss Chabot.

"Five minutes remaining," she reminded the class.

I quickly turned back to my sentence. Oh, that's easy, I thought. Quickly I translated it.

Caecilius and his son walk to the forum. Caecilius gives money to his son.

By the time I had finished translating the simple sentence there was just three minutes left. I looked back over to my brother who wasn't even looking at me any more. However, he was scratching his crotch. It was obvious too. His hands just ran up and down his inner thighs and around his junk.

I rolled my eyes and looked back to quickly check over my paper.

1 minute remaining.

"Alright, pens down please. Pass in your papers," she ordered.

I passed mine up to my friend sitting in front of me and she passed it up to the next guy in our row.

The bell rang with a loud blare and the kids shot up from their desks.

"Have a good weekend," she said as everyone bolted from the room.

I got up and bent over to put my pen back into my bag. Suddenly I felt a large shock of pain in my ass and a loud slapping sound. Elliot laughed as I slung by bag over my shoulder.

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically.

"Jackyboy, I swear it gets funnier every time," he replied.

"No, it just hurts more every time" I said as I rubbed my ass.

We both laughed, but his was more tyrannical. He really did get a kick out of abusing me. We walk out of the room and began down the hall. The mayhem of the Seniors who could drive as they pushed through the crowd to get to the parking lot was incredible. They were like football players shoving their way through a crowd to get to the end zone.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I clutched onto my pocket as I enjoyed the buzzing sensation on my thigh. Elliot got a message to as he pulled his phone out as well.

He read the message first before I even had a chance to pull it out of my pocket.

"It's from mom," he began. "Looks like Drake and Walter are coming to visit."

My jaw dropped. They're my cousins, but they treat me nothing like family. They're like Elliot but 10x worse. A pair of horny boys who take out their anger and sexual fantasies on me. Well, really just that one time when I woke up and Drake was sliding his cock against my face.

But honestly, I was not looking forward to this.

11-09-2013, 09:49 PM
Friday, 2:12 PM
Location: Bus 14

"So your cousins will be here the whole weekend?" my friend Tom asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," I replied. "You guys can still play TF2 tonight at Justin's house but I won't be able to make it."

We were sitting in the front section of the bus. I was sitting next to Tom and in the seat across was my friend John.

The bus drew to a halt and they stood up.

"Well, good luck," John said. "See you Monday."

"Yeah, alright," I replied as they got off.

In my opinion, this is the worst part of the bus ride. The only people left on the bus is my brother and his friends. From the front I could hear them whispering and laughing and talking about some nude pictures that someone's girlfriend sent them.

"She should shave that," one of them said rather loudly.

I rolled my eyes. Their voices went back to a hushed tone and they laughed a few more times.

"Yeah he does," my brother said rather loudly.

I turned around to see what he was talking about and he and his friends were already looking at me.

Finally, the bus drew to a stop and the doors opened up. I got out first and said farewell to the bus driver.

"Do it Elliot!" they shouted as he walked off after men.

I looked at him and he just shrugged. I began to walk down our driveway to the house. Suddenly, I felt a tug at my waist and then next thing I new my pants were at my ankles. I stumbled and fell on my face with my white briefs hanging up in the air. I could hear laughter from the bus, but what was worse was the laughter coming from my brother. What happened next was worse. He pulled down my underwear and smacked my ass hard enough that I could feel it turn red.

"Damn it, Elliot! What the hell is your problem?" I shouted as I stumbled to my feet trying to pull up my pants.

I turned around and watched as his friends leaned out the windows cheeky with laughter. They shouted slurs at me,

Loser! Faggot!
Gay! Fat ass!
Homo! Nerd!

I looked at the bus driver expecting her to say something but she too was laughing. My face was bright red. I could feel it. I really could. I turned around boiled with rage towards Elliot but he was already running to the house.

"Asshole!" I shouted after him.

I heard the bus pull away off down the road. I'd deal with that on Monday, now I had to deal with Elliot. He turned around laughing hysterically.

"Oh come now, it's all in good fun!" he shouted.

I slugged him one right across the face. I fell to pavement without another word. I was breathing heavily...very heavily...I was fueled with anger.

I stormed off to the house, opened the door, and immediately slammed it shut. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes with my back pressed against the door.

"Hey Jackyboy," I heard a voice greet.

I opened my eyes a lord behold there they were. Drake and Walter. Their grin was sinister. I was dead, that is, if Elliot was not gonna kill me first.

11-18-2013, 07:11 AM
I really like it so far keep it up! The detail is really great! I hope you write more soon.

11-18-2013, 01:10 PM
This looks so promising, I truly can't wait for more

11-23-2013, 02:32 PM
I've been busy but I will finish this!

11-23-2013, 02:47 PM
Friday, 2:27 PM
Location: My House

Walter took a step toward me and my instincts kicked in. I bolted into the other room but Drake cut me off before I could make it to the stairs.

"Look, I don't want any trouble," I began, slowly backing away. "Let's just get through this weekend."

"Oh yeah," Drake laughed, "We'll get through it."

"But Elliot? He won't." Walter finished.

Wait, what?

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Yeah, you heard us correctly." Drake laughed as he nudged Walter, who began to join in.

"We're tired of ganging up on you, Jackyboy," Walter said.

I looked at them puzzled. They can't be serious, can they? I took another step back but then Drake extended his hand to me, smiling. It was a warm smile this time, unlike before. I hadn't seen him smile like that to me since we were younger. Way younger.

I was hesitant at first, but I grabbed his hand and he pulled me into a hug.

"There, you see? No harm done." Drake soothed.

Suddenly the door slammed and he pushed me away slightly as Elliot walked into the room.

"What are you doing? What about the plan? Grab him!" Elliot barked.

They just looked at him, then at each other, then at me. Then they broke into another fit of laughter. Now I was really confused.

"Elliot, look," Walter began, "Whatever plan you thought we had was not a plan. We aren't gonna pick on him this time. I think Jackyboy has grown up now. He doesn't need it," he said, patting me on the back.

"Uh, alright," I said, pushing him away a bit.

I decided to leave the room before things got more awkward and I headed into the kitchen. I began to rummage through the the pantry looking for something good to eat. I heard whispers in the other room, silent, but I could make out a few words.

Relax..................pieces will fall..............plan........................okay ?

At the sound of that I became uneasy, they said it wasn't my turn, but I felt like I could trust them.

Boy, was I wrong.

11-23-2013, 02:48 PM
I'll try to do another entry once or twice a week. I will keep updating though! Cheers!

11-25-2013, 03:40 PM
Friday, 2:42 PM
Location: My House

They entered the kitchen shortly after and proceeded like nothing had happened. I got them some food like a good host should and we ate and talked. Things were going pretty normally. Then Walter got up.

"Let's go out tonight!" he exclaimed.

I looked over at him, and then at Drake who joined in.

"Okay, but where?

There was silence for a moment.

"The movies?" I asked. "A new Hunger Games movie just came out. I hope it is as good as the books. We should go and see it."

"Nah," Drake replied. "How about we go out to the mall? Kinda girly but I like the food court in your town's mall."

"Alright. We'll go," Walter replied.

Elliot nodded in agreement.

"Uh, okay?" I replied.

I wasn't sure then why he wanted to go, or why everyone else was so into it either. Of course, I wouldn't find out until I got there.

Quickly, Drake moved to his bag and got his car keys.

"I'll drive," he said, heading for the door.

"Leaving now?" I asked.

"Yeah, the soon we get there, the more fun we can have."

11-30-2013, 09:38 PM
Friday, 3:04 PM
Location: Drake's Car

I was sitting in the back seat, Elliot on my left and Drake behind the wheel. Walter was shotgun and in charge of the radio. He was searching around trying to find a good rap station. Personally, I don't like that stuff. I'm more into rock or piano music.

"It's Exit 42, right?" Drake asked, turning on his blinker to merge into the next lane.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

We drove down the exit ramp and came to a stop at the light. I waited, watching it as it flickered from red to green. The car lurched forwards once again.

"It's right here on the right," Elliot said.

"Yeah, I see it," Drake replied turning into the parking lot.

Suddenly I heard a hone buzz. I looked over to Elliot who pulled his phone out of his pocket. I could barely read it, but I was able to see who it was from: Walter.

I looked over at him, he was watching me from the mirror. When our eyes met, he quickly turned back to his phone.

I turned back to Elliot as Drake pulled into a parking spot. He was replying to message. I didn't see what Walter sent, but the reply was:

"Okay, I'll keep him busy."

Elliot looked up at me and realized I was watching him.

"Your'e being rude, Jack," he complained.

"Who were you texting?" I asked.

"Just Claire," he shot back quickly.

He gave a look over at Walter, who must have nodded or mouthed something to him.

"Come on," he continued, "Let's go to Gamestop I wanna see if they have the new Tomb Raider game."

I got out of the car as he ran into the mall, he turned back and motioned for me to follow. He was acting very weird. I wasn't sure why. I followed him over to the main entrance. When I turned back, Walter was handing something to Drake. It looked like a wad of cash and some papers. Drake nodded in agreement and then they both looked up at me. I didn't know what to do. I just followed Elliot into the mall.

I should have stopped there, gone back, and seen what they were doing. Well, either way, I was going to find out, and what they had on that piece of paper was no ordinary shopping list.

11-30-2013, 09:55 PM
Friday, 3:13 PM
Location: Mall

We walked for a short bit, looking through the windows at the various clothes and trinkets offered. I love going to the mall, I never get to go, but when I do it's the best. I love browsing through the stores at all the things I wish I could have but I don't.

Elliot and I walked for a bit more before I finally stopped and turned to him.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked.

He looked over at me, at first concerned, but he seemed to hide it by a troubled and puzzled expression.

"Huh?" he replied. "What do you mean?"

"You know, the secrets," I continued. "The list that Drake and Walter had?"

"Oh! That's just a list for Home Depot. Drake is going to drive over there and pick up a few things. He said we wanted to build something cool, something he learned in Wood Shop?" he laughed.

I looked at him and I believed him. What a fool I was.

We continued until we got to the food court.

"I'm hungry," I said. "Where is Walter? He was right behind us."

"I think he went off to a store," Elliot replied. "Let's get something to eat.

We sat down at a table and he left for a brief moment, waiting in line at a Deluxe Pretzel Factory. He kept checking his phone and replying to messages, every so often tapping his foot. Eventually, the woman gave the two pretzels to him and he came walking back over.

"Look, I just want to say that I'm sorry," Elliot said as he sat down.

"What do you mean? For what?" I asked.

"For what I've done to you in the past, what I might do in the future. I just want you to know that I love you - as a brother I mean," he laughed awkwardly. "Not anything else, that would be awkward..."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

He didn't reply and just pretended he didn't hear me. He took a bite of his pretzel and checked his phone again.

Something wasn't right. It was so obvious. Why didn't I do anything about it...

11-30-2013, 10:01 PM
Set up a poll hoping for some feedback!

12-10-2013, 12:51 PM
One person said it was horrible I might cry. ;)

12-17-2013, 03:52 PM
hope you update soon! so excited

12-24-2013, 10:28 AM
Friday, 3:50 PM
Location: Mall

We were standing in GameStop now, browsing through the racks of different games. We're a PlayStation family, so naturally we were looking at the different PS3 games available. I had my eye on The Last of Us, I wanted that one a while ago and I needed someone to take me to the Mall. Now that I was here, it seemed like a good idea to buy it.

"Are you gonna get that one?" Elliot asked as I pulled it off the rack.

"Yeah, it looks really good from what I've heard," I replied.

"Hey! There you guys are!" Walter said as he came trotting into the store.

He had a few bags in his hands from some clothing stores and the used video store. I noticed one bag, in particular, that screamed "NOTICE ME." It was to Victoria's Secret. At the time, I didn't know why Walter got that. It would become clear what it was for by the end of the night.

"Drake is in the parking lot. We're ready to go home," Walter continued.

I looked over at Elliot who gave a sly nod. I wasn't sure about returning with them, but they were my only ride home. I placed The Last of Us back on the shelf and walked with them out of the store.

12-24-2013, 10:37 AM
Friday, 4:03 PM
Location: Parking Lot

We walked out of the mall, Elliot and Walter leading ahead at a brisk pace. I was trailing behind them, trying to jog and keep up.

"Hey! Slow down!" I begged.

They turned back and laughed. Quickly they hopped into Drake's car and shut the door. As I finally caught up, I noticed something large in the back of the car. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but there were some white bags in the back that read "Bondage World, USA." I stopped there.

I understood what was going on. They used to do this to me sometimes when I was younger. They would tie me up and tease me trying to get me erect. They would spank me and treat me like a slave. That is, until my parents made them stop. But they weren't here to defend me this weekend.

Suddenly the door opened and Drake came out. He wasn't wearing what he wore before. He was wearing leather now. Honestly, he looked like a stripper.

"Get in," he ordered.

I stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to do.

"Now, Jackyboy. Get in. We are going to have fun tonight. A little game of truth or dare, of course, mainly dares, and mainly, for you."

Suddenly something hit me on the back of the head, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. Everything was going black and fuzzy. I saw Drake walking forward, his boots right in my face. Unfortunately, that was not the last time they would be there.

12-24-2013, 10:39 AM
That's all for now, I'll be adding MUCH more after the holidays. Quite a cliff hanger, eh?

Demon Thief
12-24-2013, 11:45 PM
Yeah, very nice cliffhanger. I can't wait to see what happens next. :D

12-25-2013, 12:18 PM
I love this story so far. Can't wait for more!

01-05-2014, 12:03 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

I woke up with a searing pain in my head and gasping for breath. I felt like I couldn't breath. As I slowly came to my senses, I began to see things in the dark room. Simple objects: a chair, a bed, some boxes stacked in the corner. I tried to get up but something was holding me back. My hands were tied around my back with a leather collar. I struggled and pulled trying to break free. That's when I realized: I was hanging upside down.

"Don't struggle," a voice purred from the darkness.

It was Drake.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

No answer.


I felt a quick flash of searing pain on my ass and the loud sound of a whip.

"Silence, boy," he ordered.

I didn't listen.

"Where is Elliot? Walter? What are you doing? We are family dammit! This is insane!"

Another blow to my ass.

"They'll be coming shortly. We are going to play a game. Are you ready to here the rules?"

I didn't reply.

"Good, now, we will be playing truth or dare, but with a twist. It is in teams, us three vs. you. Three vs. One, do you understand?"

I didn't reply.

"I said, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" he shouted.

He was close, I could feel him near me in the dark as he spat on my face.

"Yes," I finally replied. I was terrified.

"Yes, SIR," he corrected.

"Yes, Sir!" I repeated.

"Good work Jackyboy. You catch on quickly. Now, the three of us will take turns, well, making you do things. You have no objections as to what we do to you. You must do as you are told."

"And if I don't?" I asked.

Another blow.I closed my eyes, hoping it would be all a dream. I felt something bright against my eyelids. I opened them and the lights were on. Drake was standing before me in leather with an envelope.

"Then we will show these to you mother and father," he said, pulling pictures out of the envelope.

They were nudes of me, nudes I sent to a couple people online. Guys and girls, older and younger. I was horny then...and honestly it was a big mistake.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Good. We will play five rounds, so each of us will dare you five times, and you get five dares for us."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"It is time. There is no turning back now. You will submit to us."

"Yes, Sir."

That phrase would be used for the rest of the night and into the next day.

01-12-2014, 08:03 PM
Bet you guys want the next part...



01-13-2014, 03:08 AM
Yes please continue!

01-13-2014, 08:19 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

Drake walked over to the door and opened it. Elliot and Walter came strolling dressed similar to Drake. Elliot wasn't wearing a top, and for the first time in a long time I saw his chest. As brothers, you would figure that we see each other shirtless all the time. This was not the case with us. Most of the time he locked himself in his room, never talked to me. He would only come out for dinner or to ask me some homework questions. He really began to do this about four months ago, at the start of this year.

They whispered back and forth by the door, Elliot pointed to some bags in the corner and then Walter nodded.

They approached me as one large mob, and Drake spoke for them.

"I'll go first. I dare you, Jackyboy, to lick my ass."

He bent down by my body still hanging from the ceiling and undid a flap near his ass, showing it clearly in my face. It was hairy and honestly quite dirty as well. I could smell it from a foot away.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? Are you kidding me right now?" I blurted.

A whack to my stomach.

"Lick it."

"Yes Sir," I whimpered as I stuck my tongue out trying to reach for his ass.

"You have to want it," Walter joked as he watched my tongue attempt to reach his cheeks.

Suddenly, Drake grabbed my head and pulled my face right into his ass, wedging it right between the cheeks. They all laughed.

"Wiggle your tongue around, up and down, side to side!" he ordered.

I did as I was told. He kept me there for another minute or so before letting me go for some fresh air. He only gave me a few seconds and I was right back in it again.

Suddenly, he let one rip. I could feel the fart against my tongue. It was absolutely horrible. I gagged for air and he let me go.

"Aw, can Jackyboy not handle the smell?" he asked teasingly.

"Alright, my turn," said Walter as he walked up to me.

"When do I go?" I asked, still gagging from the smell.

"When do I go, SIR?" Elliot corrected.

"When do I go, Sir?" I replied.

Drake folded the flap back over his ass and turned around. I could see through his leather that he was a bit hard.

"After Elliot," he replied. "Now, Walter, continue."

01-13-2014, 08:20 PM
I am gonna try to get into the habit of posting a section per night...I want to wrap this up and start a new one soon.

01-14-2014, 06:43 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

Walter came up to me and crouched down to meet my face. He look me in the eyes and all I could think about was that these guys were my family. They were doing this to me. They took it way too far this time.

"For you, Jackyboy," he began, "I want you to eat my spit and my snot."

I had no choice.

"Yes, Sir," I replied and opened my mouth.

"So obedient," Drake commented. "I knew you would submit."

Walter place one finger over his right nostril and hovered over my mouth. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to watch. I heard a loud noise and then felt the last of mucus on my tongue and lips. They all burst into laughter again...I couldn't understand what they were getting out of this. Another glob landed on my tongue: his spit.

"Swallow it."

I did as I was told.

01-18-2014, 05:44 PM
I cannot wait until you update!

01-25-2014, 02:44 PM
Please update this soo I'm so anxious to hear the rest. I want to be the victim so bad... It sounds so hot

01-28-2014, 07:31 PM
Ah boo hoo, I've been busy again. Posting more soon.

02-03-2014, 12:48 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

"My turn," Elliot began, walking over.

I looked at him in the eyes. He was my brother, and he was doing this to me. They were my family. It was still so hard to fathom.

"Alright. I want you to suck on my cock," Elliot said.

"Be more assertive with him. He is property now," Drake corrected.

"Suck my cock," Elliot ordered, pulling out his dick from his pants.

I had no choice and opened my mouth as he slid his rod in. It was unbearable. He pulled it in and out and shoved it as far down as he could forcing me to gag. I could feel tears running down my face. He kept going, repeating the pattern of going in, out, shoving it far down, then pulling out.

10 minutes passed.

"That's enough for now," Walter said, pushing him aside. "I want him to suck me now."

"No!" Drake shouted, pushing them both away. "That would be breaking the rules. It's his turn now. This is Truth or Dare, remember? Not some sex relationship."

"Sir, I would like to be untied and let go," I pleaded.

"Very well, we will untie you. We can't let you go until the game is over," Drake replied.

He untied the ropes above me and I fell to the floor. Immediately, I rose to my feet and scampered across the floor. I pushed past a chair and a few boxes and ran for the door. I grabbed the handle and pulled with all my might. It wouldn't budge.

I turned just as Elliot hit me across the face.

"Don't break the rules."

02-19-2014, 08:02 AM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

I was dragged back to Drake and Walter by my brother. He pulled me across the dirty concrete floor which clawed at my naked body leaving oozing red wounds.

"Where did you think you could run?" Drake asked.

I didn't answer.

"It's my turn," Drake said."Get on the bed."

I crawled across the floor and got onto the filthy white mattress. There were brown and yellow stains all across the fabric.

"Lie down, ass in the air," he ordered.

I obeyed and sat waiting for what to be told.

"20 spankings," he told me. "If you cry out in pain we are starting over."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

He grabbed the whip he used on my before and felt my ass trying to find a good spot. He gave me a couple of taps with his hand before quickly using the other for the first blow.

"One!" he shouted, instinct forced me to shout. The pain was too real.

"Starting over!" he shouted. "ONE!"

I bit my lip trying to hold it in.


Finally, I cried out again. I could feel my ass in such tremendous pain.


We kept at it. I cried out three more times.

05-07-2014, 02:22 PM
I feel HORRIBLE for abandoning this story. I would like to continue it. Here comes the next post ~

05-07-2014, 02:29 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

The spankings were done and over with. I had buried my head into the dirty mattress to avoid shouting out. Drake had finished his torment. My ass was on fire. I wanted to cry but I couldn't muster the tears.

"My turn again," Walter guffawed. His hands slid across my swollen ass. He gave it a few light taps and laughed as I winced in pain.

"Do you like the taste of piss, bitch?" he asked teasingly. He pulled on his cock in his pants. "Drink mine."

He wiped it out and in a matter of seconds his sweet, golden flow showered across my face. I knew I should drink it, I didn't want to be punished again. I opened my mouth and accepted his piss.

"Looks like he likes it!" Drake cried out in joy. He too pulled out his cock and began to piss into my mouth. Elliot stood in the background laughing and whacking off his cock.

I wanted to throw up at the site of my brother and cousins doing this too me. I knew if I did they would make me swallow that too. I took it, like I knew I had to.

05-07-2014, 02:36 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

The piss streams stopped all at once. I let out a gasp of air and they laughed at my struggle. Walter stuck an old stained in my mouth to stop my heavy breathing. Elliot pulled out a small silver package from his back pocket and ripped it open.I was so dazed and disoriented it was hard to make out the logo on the plastic.


"What is that, Sir?" I asked. My voice quivered.

"It's a condom, Jackyboy," he replied. His voice sounded so inhuman.

"What do you think you are doing?" Drake spat, slapping Elliot behind the head.


"Stick it in without the condom," he encouraged.

Elliot looked from him to me. I was hoping my terrified expression would send him a sign that I needed his help. He didn't notice. He leaped onto the bed and slapped his cock between my cheeks. He spat on my hole and shoved it in without any lubricant.

I began to cry with every thrust he made into me. It was unbearable. My family. Things were never going to be the same after this.

05-09-2014, 04:13 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

The feeling was unbearable but so relaxing. For some strange reason, with every thrust, I felt more and more satisfied. His moans of pleasure echoed in the nearly vacant room. Drake and Walter had already pulled out their dicks and began to jack off. Are they gay or something? I thought. Their enjoyment of this was too real for them not to be. But one thing was clear: this wasn't truth or dare anymore. It had gotten so much worse. I had to get out of here.

"I want to stick my cock in his ass," Drake said.

"No, me first," Walter protested.

"Let me shoot my load in my brother's ass first!" Elliot laughed in reply.

Drake and Walter joined in. The sound of their hysterical laughter reminded me of when we were younger. Things were so innocent then, so pure. Now everything had gone to chaos.

Suddenly, Elliot began to thrust faster and faster. His moans quickened in pace as well. Then I felt it. A jet of warm liquid enter my asshole. I couldn't help it: I moaned too.

"Fuck!" he cried out. He pulled out his cock and rubbed it between my ass cheeks.

"My turn," Drake said as he moved into position.

I saw my opportunity and kicked him in the gut. He fell to the ground and before anyone could react I was already headed for the door. This time, I noticed a small bolt lock on the door. My hands fumbled for a moment, but I managed to get it open. The night air rushed into the room and the wind blew the door back. Rain was falling outside. It drizzled down and poured in steady streams down the rooftops. We were in a city, which one I did not know, but the alleyway on each side stretched off into the fog. Without a moment to waste, I headed into it.

05-09-2014, 04:23 PM
Time Unknown
Location: An Unknown City

"Jackyboy!" I head Drake cry out in anger. "Where the fuck did you go? WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?"

I was hiding behind a large dumpster that smelt of piss: or maybe that was just me. My naked body was sprawled across some piles of black trash bags. I was cold and wet: but anything was better than being with them. I head footsteps in running in the rain puddles.

"Do you see him?" Drake asked.

"No!" Walter shouted back. "Elliot?"

"No," he replied. He was standing so close I could hear him breathing.

I held my breath and didn't move. I close my eyes and reminded myself of happier days. Days when I wasn't running from my sex and kink driven family.

He ran past the dumpster and turned a corner down the way. These alleys were a maze: one I had no chance of escaping anytime soon. At least, not until I could see. The fog and the rain weren't helping at all. At least I was concealed from them.

Slowly I stumbled out of the trash and into the alley. I felt so vulnerable standing in the alley. I imagined someone coming around the corner and seeing me standing there.

I ran in the direction Elliot went but I took a left instead of a right at the intersection. In the far of distance, I head the sound of a car roar by and splash through some puddles.

The street!

My pace quickened and evolved into a sprint. I raced down the alley, dodging broken glass and toppled over trash cans. I broke free from the alley and stood bare naked on the side walk. The streets were empty and there wasn't a single car on the road. Down the street was a church I recognized. We were standing in Hartford, which was about a 35 minute drive from my home town. The clock tower next to it rang out just as my gaze wandered to it.

Three chimes.

3:00 AM.

But why here? Why are we in Hartford?

I couldn't figure it out then, but I was going to find out sooner or later.

05-09-2014, 04:29 PM
Enjoy his sudden escape? Well, things won't be so lucky for Jack for the rest of the story! I will post more soon!

05-13-2014, 04:28 PM
Time: 3:02
Location: Hartford

The rain came and went. My naked body was wet and cold, but they were the least of my concerns. My family was out looking for me and they weren't looking to help me. My feet walked with a steady pace along the sidewalk. I didn't have much of a fear of seeing anyone else. I needed to find help and fast.

How am I going to explain this to my family?

I couldn't figure it out then. Still can't figure it out now.

Time passed until i felt a safe distance away. By now it was 3:16. I decided I should try to make it to the police station. I could explain it to them.

It was a long walk. I had it all planned out in my head. I would get there at about 4:19. Only I would never arrive.

05-24-2014, 09:28 AM
Time: 4:06 AM
Location: Hatford

I had been walking for almost an hour and I felt like ages. Every so often, I would have to duck and hide from on coming cars. I didn't want to get caught by some stranger. I knew I needed to make my way to the police station and contact them.

By now, the rain had stopped completely. The remaining puddles reflected the light of the street lamps and illuminated the street. I felt awkward walking around with my ass bare and vulnerable to the early morning chill.

The police station was just a block around the corner. I was close now.

Suddenly, I heard the screeching of car tires and smelt the strong burning of rubber. I whirled around just as a white van slid up against the curb. The panel doors slid open with a violent thrust and two man jumped out at me.

"Get away from me!" I shouted. The two men grabbed onto my arms and and retrained my valiant efforts. One of them, a black man around his 30s, told me to shut up.

"No!" I cried out.

They hurled me into the van and I landed against another two men. All four of them were wearing leather.

"Jack!" I heard a voice cry out.

On the street, running down in leather of their own, was Elliot, Drake, and Walter.

"Help!" I cried out.

"I told you, shut up!" the black man shouted again. I put a cloth over my mouth and nose. I tried not to breath in the strong fumes but I had no choice. As everything got fuzzy, he slid the door of the van shut as soon as they reached it.

The last thing I remembered was the van speeding off into the night.

05-24-2014, 02:25 PM
An exciting chapter, can't wait to find out what happens next

05-27-2014, 04:09 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

I awoke to the dripping of a pipe and the loud rush of a nearby subway. Everything was fuzzy, but I could vaguely make out faint silhouettes in the shadows of the room. I heard faint whispers mumbling from all around me.

"They failed..."

"...fuck him..."

"Anything else?"

"How many viewers?"

"What is going on?" I shouted. My mouth was dry and achy.

"He's awake," a voice said. I recognized it as one of them men from the van. He stepped into the light and it was the only one I had identified: the black man. His skin wasn't as dark as he appeared in the van and his face was chiseled and refined. His eyes darted as he saw one of the other men step into the spotlight. His hair was blonde, and he was much older than the black man.

"Go to an advertisement break," he muttered.

There was some mumbling which was soon hushed.

"Your cousin, Drake, owed us $13,000. He's been selling pot through us...but he hasn't gotten back to us in sometime. We've contacted him and we were able to confirm that he does indeed ow us that money."

"What?" I asked. I felt my lips cracking as I spoke. "Drake sells pot?"

"Yes. As compensation for his failure, he agreed to our proposal," he replied.

"Which was?"

"That he make a porno for us to broadcast all around the world or he will die. He chose the porno of course. That's how you got involved. We told Drake that he must chose someone underage. That way we get more viewers. Older men like younger boys."

"Your'e sick!" I shouted. "You're so messed up!"

He slapped me with his meaty black hand.

"We are going to continue what they began. So, Jackyboy, Truth or Dare?"

05-30-2014, 02:49 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

"Truth..." I shuddered.

"Did you enjoy when your brother slid his cock up your ass?"

No... I thought. I didn't answer him though. His eyes scowled at me in the low light of the room.

"Answer me, boy," he spat.


"You will enjoy it when I fuck you though."He rubbed his crotch through his leather chaps. I could see a large bulge beginning to grow in size.

I knew the routine, and I answer, "Yes, Sir."

I saw his grin widen as the words pressed through my lips. "Do you want me to fuck you now?" he asked.

"Not now, Sir." I mumbled.

"Okay then," he replied. There was indeed disappointment in his tone. "Leroy! Come over here, it's your turn."

Another man, perhaps late 30s but much older than the other, walked into the light. He was wearing no clothes at all and in his hand he held a thin cane.

"Dare or dare?" he asked with a laugh.

With a quick flick of his wrist he lashed my ass with the cane. An unbelievable sting shot out and send shivers up my spine.

"FUCK!" I shouted.

"Oh? You want to be fucked now?" the black man said. "Give him 19 more lashes, Leroy. Then let me fuck him. I wanna see his tight white ass squirm."

"No! Please!"

"Shut up!" Leroy shouted as he whipped my ass again. The tears began to flow again. Despite dreading the company of my family before, I wanted them more than now. At least they were better than this.

06-14-2014, 10:54 AM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

After I was fucked, the two of them disappeared into the shadows again. The only sound I heard was the low buzzing of the light above me, and that was it. I felt sweat mix with tears as the water entered my mouth.

"Truth or dare?" I was asked again.

"Dare." I didn't even know what I was thinking anymore.

"I dare you to let me pour hot wax on you. And, well, you don't really have much of a choice."

I heard a door open and another man came in with a candle in each hand. I could tell my the way he walked that they were full of wax. He gave them to the man who had asked me before and left without a word. The man angled himself so that the camera in the darkness could see and he slowly poured the hot wax onto my back. The first contact made me cry out in pain and I felt my skin melt and burn. Minutes passed of short little droplets to long streams. Before I knew it, my entire back was covered with the white wax. With every tremble my body made, I felt the wax slowly break apart, as if my defensive shield was slowly beginning to break away.

06-14-2014, 01:57 PM
This is a great story

08-13-2014, 08:58 AM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

I passed out shortly after that. I guess I was thirsty. I don't really remember having anything real to drink. I remember waking up as they announced they were going to commercial break again.

"What is going to happen to me?" I asked. My lips were dry and cracked.

Leroy came over with a bottle of water and gave me some. The cold liquid trickled down into my mouth and sputtered out onto the floor once it was full.

"We're losing viewers. Act more lively."

"Untie me and I can make this worth your while," I replied with a chuckle.

His hands went down to my ass and rubbed the raw skin from the cane. I winced and pain and he took notice. He laughed and smacked my ass a few times.

"Alright. We'll move you into the other room," he replied. "We got a nice bed in there. Better than the shitty mattress your cousin had."

"What's gonna happen to him?" I can't believe I asked that. They had tortured me before: my own family. I was concerned for their safety. I don't know why.

"He didn't make nearly as much as we wanted. What do you think we should do?" His voice was cold and sinister. I didn't believe they would kill him, but I didn't want to question the possibility either.

"Leave him alone. You have me now."

"Fair enough," he said with a little chuckle.

He brought his face close to mine. He smelt strongly of tobacco and booze. "Listen. If we don't get more viewers soon, we will kill you. How does that sound? Are you gonna act more like a submissive little bitch now?"

I could feel my face grow pale. "Yes, Sir."

"Say it again."

"Yes, Sir!"



"Good boy."

08-15-2014, 09:26 PM
Time Unknown
Location: Unknown

I was let out of my restraints and not even after a few steps I was on the floor. My whole body ached and I wanted nothing more than to lie down. Leroy was pushing my with his black leather boots, encouraging me to get up.

"Your cousin was indebted to us. He owes us. And now you suffer. How does that make you feel?" he spat.

I wanted no more than to turn around and to hit him. My hands trembled and my eyes began to water.

"Poor Jackyboy," one of them said from the darkness. "Bring him to the bed. We have a few more dares for him."

Leroy pulled me to my feet. My legs wobbled as I nearly collapsed again. I was sore and aching. I felt like my skin was sliding off of me. I didn't know if it was from the lack of water, sleep, or feeling. My feet moved slowly across the flow, Leroy's rough hands guiding me out of the light and into the dark. I heard the sound of a large metal door sliding open and we came out into a hallway. I saw the camera behind us, a small little red light recording. Behind him, the man with the camera was wheeling a cart with a computer and dozens of wires. Then it came to me: I have to get out now.

With the last bits of strength I had left. I push Leroy back into him. The two collided, and fell back onto the cart, toppling over the computer and sending a horde of wires over them. I remember for a moment everything got fuzzy, and the next thing I remember I was running down the hallway.

I had no idea where I was going. The hallways extended forever, with a turn every so often. I took some and passed others. Behind me I heard them screaming:

"Get the kid!"

"Are we online again?"

"We lost how many viewers?"

"I am gonna fuck that kid up!"

My agility hadn't failed me yet. I knew I had to keep moving. I quickly turned down a hallway that stretched to the left. A flickering light at the end illuminated a broken EXIT sign. Freedom.

My hands grasped the metal door and I pushed it as hard as I could. The door swung open and I stumbled out onto a dark street. I heard in the distance the sound of waves crashing along metal barriers. We must be at a pier or something. I don't think I'm in Connecticut anymore

Nude and afraid, I ran off down the street in desperate need of a phone to call the police. I had escaped yet again. I just didn't know if my safety was certain this time.

08-17-2014, 09:16 PM
Time Unknown
Location: By the Sea

In the distance I heard the sound of a highway, then the roar underneath me of another subway, then the sound of the surf. I didn't know which way to head. The building was far behind me now, but I still didn't know where to go.

Think. Think. Think.

The fact that it was dark again meant that a whole day had past since I was initially kidnapped. I didn't know if the sun had just set or if it would rise within the hour. It was dark, and in the dark I could hide. I needed to find help: the police or someone I could trust.

I whirled around as I heard the clatter of trash cans. An alley cat came pouncing out of the darkness and chased a mouse down the road.

I finally noticed how cold it was outside. My naked body was chilled against the wind, causing my nipples to get incredibly hard. I felt uncomfortable standing and I decided I need to keep moving.

My agility was my only hope in survival.

08-18-2014, 07:00 AM
Great Story!! Please continue

08-28-2014, 10:39 AM
You should definitely continue! This story has some great potential!
Oh yeah, and your avatar reminds me of Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid series XD

09-01-2014, 03:08 PM
Time Unknown
Location: By the Sea

I stopped again as soon as I realized I had gone in a circle. The warehouses and storage crates surrounded me and piled high up into the sky. I couldn't tell which way was out. I had gone by Warehouse #29 for the second time now. The red painted letters were faded, but it's name still shone in the pale moon light.

I leaned against the cold, rusty metal to catch my breathe. I needed to think straight. I figured I had two options. Option One: I hide somewhere until morning when I can go out and look for help. Option Two: I follow one of the noises I heard, if it be either the sea or the subway.

My moment of respite was interrupted by the sliding open of a door a few units away. In the dark, I could still make out Leroy's figure. In hand was a whip.

"Jackyboy! Where the fuck are you?" he shouted.

I felt like I stopped breathing all together. There was nowhere to hide. Only option was to run: to the sound of the surf.

09-01-2014, 03:09 PM
Hopefully I will be able to update this more in the next few days! Until then ~

09-07-2014, 04:19 PM
Time Unknown
Location: By the Sea

By the time I stopped running, I had reached the end of the pier. It was about a 5 foot drop into the water, which crashed up against the wooden supports. I couldn't tell how deep it was beneath, but it looked pretty dark so I figured deep enough to jump into. I didn't hear anyone behind me, but I figured this was my best escape route. I slowly lowered myself down until I was sitting on the damp wood. My ass felt vulnerable again. I nearly forgot I was still naked.

Without another hesitation, I jumped into the water. At first contact, an instant surge or cold shot through my body. I felt paralyzed. I succumbed beneath the waves in a matter of seconds, and struggled at first to reach the surface.

Next part was to swim, and keep swimming until I reached the shore. I began to swim underneath the dock, paddling slowly and trying not to make any noise.

Then bright light shone beneath the cracks of the pier from above just in front of me.

"I heard a splash over here!" a voice shouted.


The light danced around on the surface of the water. I could hear other footsteps above me. There were more than before, that is, more than those who were in the room before.

"We need to find him quickly," another voice said. I think it was Leroy. "His cousins and brother are here too, we need to find them before they find each other. Keep looking in the water here. Ken and Fred, go to east warehouses and look there. That's where their car was parked."

I couldn't believe it. They had come for me. After everything that happened. They were here.

I needed to hurry and find them before it was too late.