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08-06-2008, 07:57 PM
Reputation has been disabled. I'm so sick of hearing fucking complaints about it.

FEAR NOT! Reputation will be back later with enhancements that will hopefully solve the current problems. I was hoping on squeezing a few more months in before a getDare upgrade but this will be necessary for the changes I want to do. Expect big change by the end of the month. I will update everyone on possible downtime as I plan a day to fix things.

08-06-2008, 08:06 PM
Wow... I don't know what to say. Good job, I guess! ;)

You and Chloe do have a very good point, though... a lot of people seem to think they're so much more 'powerful' on a forum, so they can do whatever they want and not care about consequences. Now people should realize that they shouldn't be so mean to new forumers. Why don't people just look at their other posts for trends in spelling, and if they continually spell bad, then maybe give bad rep, maybe.

08-06-2008, 09:27 PM
The system should definitely work in a way that senior members or members with better rep themselves will have a greater effect when they rep other people.

08-06-2008, 09:30 PM
I think the reputation system was great. It showed how much quality a users posts had - but when you start to abuse the system it becoms completely pointless. How is the reputation of a user supposed to be accurate if a member goes around giving -rep to people saying "u dun knw how 2 speel so i -rep u". You don't, can can't. The same goes for things like "Ha! I felt like +reping you!". Now I will admit I am guilty of the second charge, but most of the time gave +rep on good posts, and left a valid comment. Hope everything clears up soon.

08-06-2008, 11:29 PM
Congratulations, everyone. I hope you're all proud of yourself.

08-06-2008, 11:32 PM
Thank you for removing rep. It was kind of getting annoying trying to be the best lol. I'm going to admit I have asked for rep.

08-07-2008, 12:07 AM
Well, I'm currious to see what the new system will be like. And I got really freaked out when I saw that there was no rep and I pm-ed Naughty Chloe. So just ignore my message.

08-07-2008, 12:55 AM
All old rep is still saved. The new system will basically be a ton of new rules to prevent abuse. Reputation will return. :)

08-07-2008, 12:58 AM
All old rep is still saved. The new system will basically be a ton of new rules to prevent abuse. Reputation will return. :)

Well good then, mabye a rep change is just what GetDare needs after the huge recent uproar.

08-07-2008, 02:11 AM
Don't blame you for disabling it. I think the main thing was using it to give bad rep for stupid things. I got it for a lounge game lol. I think the people abusing it really should just grow up. I don't really understand why bad rep is needed. If you don't like someones post ignore it or say so, don't be a coward and give them bad rep without signing it!

Hampers you sound like my dad :p

08-07-2008, 02:37 AM
Hampers you sound like my dad :p

I have something to tell you when you get home...

08-07-2008, 04:01 AM
:eek: Now I am scared to go home!

08-07-2008, 05:45 AM
I had a reputation comment but I can't read it x.x

Looking forward to the changes Depp's making :)

Will it cut the amount of rep threads? *fingers crossed*

08-07-2008, 07:43 AM
The system should definitely work in a way that senior members or members with better rep themselves will have a greater effect when they rep other people. It was already like that. Basically users with higher post counts & rep had the ability to effect more another user's reputation.

I think the reputation system was great. It showed how much quality a users posts had - but when you start to abuse the system it becoms completely pointless. How is the reputation of a user supposed to be accurate if a member goes around giving -rep to people saying "u dun knw how 2 speel so i -rep u". You don't, can can't. The same goes for things like "Ha! I felt like +reping you!". Now I will admit I am guilty of the second charge, but most of the time gave +rep on good posts, and left a valid comment. Hope everything clears up soon. Exactly. I never saw a real problem with the system but more with how it has been used especially the last few months. Aside from the problem I pointed in my thread yesterday I think the problem was more general & that users need to calm down a bit. I have seen also a lot of positive rep being thrown as if they were candies for replies in Lounge games & the likes. It just seemed to me that you could have a higher rep just by having friends on the site no matter what you post... That's why I went out & asked for mine to be disabled yesterday I just felt that the whole thing had no value to it...

Of course, I am curious too to see what the new changes are going to be. But I'm even more curious to see if users will grow up & be able to use it with a bit of better judgment. Quite frankly this rep thing had become bigger than the site with all these rep threads popping up every week not to mention the increasing amount of people begging for rep in posts & sigs... :rolleyes: I really hope that this "rep break" will allow everyone to realize that there's more than rep on this site...

08-07-2008, 07:50 AM
same i wanna see the new changes for rep
ill admit i got tired of the old system because i got -rep for a game post and no comment

i think the new rep system will be even better

08-07-2008, 09:27 AM

I dont see rep like a nice thing.
When you receive -rep for having done some humoristic comment and the text is "stop being smartass" you wonder what you can put in this board without being punished.

08-07-2008, 09:57 AM

I dont see rep like a nice thing.
When you receive -rep for having done some humoristic comment and the text is "stop being smartass" you wonder what you can put in this board without being punished.

Very true. Without rep people can speak their mind. I've also been in the position where I thought "Should I post this?" in fear I would get flamed with -rep. Hell, once I got -rep for making a comment on a story I read... But now we can voice our opinion, and have no competition.

08-07-2008, 11:35 AM
1) well done Depp, reputation was becomign silly and held no meaning, we'll probably be much better off without it for a bit.

2) should there be a thread to discuss possible changes to the reputation system? Hopefully someone will come up with a brilliant idea which will instantly banish all problems.

08-07-2008, 11:36 AM
2) should there be a thread to discuss possible changes to the reputation system? Hopefully someone will come up with a brilliant idea which will instantly banish all problems.

From Depp's original post (and various other threads), it sounds like he has a masterplan sorted out already :)

08-07-2008, 04:33 PM
From Depp's original post (and various other threads), it sounds like he has a masterplan sorted out already :)

master plans(especially depp's) can be good, but an entire forum of people posting an idea on 1 thread can create ideas that no man alone could create, but if not, whatever Depp does will probably be ace anyways.

08-07-2008, 05:17 PM
Maybe you could have some sort of thing that asks for you to type the letters you see after you've give rep 5 times, so rep spam is reduced.

Same with posts in forums! :)

08-07-2008, 05:34 PM
If anyone here has been to Newgrounds, they have a "vote power" system for their voting. Basically, the more you vote, the more vote power you get. Also, I believe experience points help increase your votepower by a certain percentage. I figure we could do something somewhat similar. Maybe something like the more experience points you have, the more vote power you get. Posts will somewhat reflect on that.

I will admit to giving -rep out for people who can't spell. I am just a critical asshole by nature though, when I feel a post is unintelligent I will -rep it. However, I may be a critical asshole but not a general asshole; I do leave meaningful comments ("learn how to spell," "don't spam," etc.). I'll agree to it being an issue though, as I was -rep'd for a single post reading "Maybe he should post a picture for proof." Someone told me it was against the rules, and I was aware of the rule and just didn't think of it at the time. I think if someone has a trend of breaking rules like that, they should get -rep'd; basically like spelling.

Okay, fine. Call me a hypocrite.

08-07-2008, 05:43 PM
If anyone here has been to Newgrounds, they have a "vote power" system for their voting. Basically, the more you vote, the more vote power you get. Also, I believe experience points help increase your votepower by a certain percentage. I figure we could do something somewhat similar. Maybe something like the more experience points you have, the more vote power you get. Posts will somewhat reflect on that.

That doesn't sound like a bad idea!

08-07-2008, 06:00 PM
That doesn't sound like a bad idea!

Yep. This is why we should discuss ideas, we can combine ideas to make an idea that not even Depp could think of. Two heads are better than one, I suppose.

08-07-2008, 06:55 PM
2 heads may be better then one, but 100 heads are certainly better then 2.

08-08-2008, 03:40 AM
Maybe you could have some sort of thing that asks for you to type the letters you see after you've give rep 5 times, so rep spam is reduced.

Same with posts in forums! :)

But you can only give so much rep out in a day anyway. Also, you can only give a member some rep every so often. So it's already limited.

As for the new ideas, I'm sure Depp has his own ideas on what he wants to do. Also, we've had many *idea posts* in the past so I'm sure he has something worked out.

08-08-2008, 06:09 AM
Basically, the more you vote, the more vote power you get.

This sounds to me like it would lead to rep spamming in order to be able to... spam rep more.

08-08-2008, 06:20 AM
We've already had a rather recent thread filled with suggestions and even a poll to get an idea of how users felt about the old system here:


The suggestions went from keeping the system the way it was from abolishing completely to make it like the one we have on Kink Talk (where you can only + rep & the negative is disabled) to even have rep mods (no thanks as far as I'm concerned btw)...

I'm pretty sure depp must have taken this thread into account & it also looks to me like he's already made his plan for it as this whole rep problem is not new at all. It only became worse in recent weeks... But if anyone has an idea I guess it can't hurt to post it there as well :)

08-08-2008, 07:40 PM
I think that, whatever kind of rep system you will take, it will fail as long people act childish about it (ironic coming from one of the youngest members, isn't it?).

So if there is another "rep system" on the way, please take it less serious everyone. This is a place to have fun, the only place I know where young people can really be treated equally as adults, and can have fun in a relatively safe and controlled (by all the mods and the report functions) environment. Don't break the loving community of getDare just because you're pissed off at someone or want to take "revenge" because someone had a different point of view.

In the end, I still think the rep system was great, but maybe it would have been even better if you could choose for yourself to disable it or not. But if you would choose to disable it, you wouldn't be able to give rep yourself either.

Anyhow, I trust in Depp to sort it all out and give a nice alternative if the rep points won't be coming back.

08-08-2008, 10:01 PM
Personally, I've never had a problem with the reputation system. I've only gotten bad rep twice (I think) and I'm pretty sure they were for good reasons.

That being said, well done Depp. Kick some ass. This is your site, don't take any shit. The old rep system was tearing the site apart, and I back your decision 100%.


08-10-2008, 01:47 PM
This sounds to me like it would lead to rep spamming in order to be able to... spam rep more.

If you read the whole post, you'll see that I made some modifications to it. Basically, the better the rep you have, the more vote power you get. Posts will reflect on that as well.

08-10-2008, 02:06 PM
If you read the whole post, you'll see that I made some modifications to it. Basically, the better the rep you have, the more vote power you get. Posts will reflect on that as well.

But surely people can just +rep friends to get "higher vote power" or whatever. And no disrespect, but it all sounds a tad confusing.

08-13-2008, 07:44 AM
i have an idea
i 'unno if depp wants to use them
make it where people cant rep you on threads older than a certain amount of time
and i noticed a while back that a thread was locked and the rep system was still on it
can you make it where when the thread is locked you dont get rep for it, of any kind?


08-13-2008, 10:03 AM
i have an idea
i 'unno if depp wants to use them
make it where people cant rep you on threads older than a certain amount of time
and i noticed a while back that a thread was locked and the rep system was still on it
can you make it where when the thread is locked you dont get rep for it, of any kind?


And what if it's a locked story that just happens to be brilliant (locked because of comment spam or some other reason). Wouldn't work.

08-13-2008, 12:27 PM
well then sice you put it that way
storys dont apply

08-13-2008, 01:32 PM
well then sice you put it that way
storys dont apply

And your whole idea just gets complicated.

Depp's got an idea, I'm sure. If he didn't, he'd be asking for help. So leave him to it.

08-13-2008, 05:27 PM
humph jus' tryin to help
(this is why you were nominated)

Musty 21
08-13-2008, 06:25 PM
no!!!!! I want my rep back depp =::(

08-13-2008, 07:09 PM
Reputation will return in a new and different series of ways. I'm putting it off for a little bit because to implement them I need to do some major upgrades to the forum software.

An entire day of work is scary.

08-13-2008, 07:15 PM
Reputation will return in a new and different series of ways. I'm putting it off for a little bit because to implement them I need to do some major upgrades to the forum software.

An entire day of work is scary.
yay depp we love you(for the people that are strait and the same gender,not the gay kind)
work hard tomarrow and youll come home to freshbaked cookies and a steak

08-13-2008, 10:11 PM
yay depp we love you(for the people that are strait and the same gender,not the gay kind)
work hard tomarrow and youll come home to freshbaked cookies and a steak

You sound like your his wife. :p

08-14-2008, 08:22 AM
im a man, a very manly man
i bake cookies!!
i like cookies and nobody in my family makes em cept for me

Musty 21
08-15-2008, 12:40 PM
Don't work too hard depp, we wouldn't want you to work too hard or anything =p but what ever it is i'm sure it will be good.

11-24-2008, 07:02 PM
I'm sorry, but for a while my internet was down (when I was moving), so I come back, and see no rep. I've been meaning to ask about it, and just today, I made a post asking why this happened. Thanks!:)

But baout rep, it wasn't too great; I just think it's nice to congratulate good authors and dare-makers.