View Full Version : Wisdom Teeth Removal Question

04-06-2013, 11:51 AM
Hey everyone. I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out in a week, and have a decision to make, between being put to sleep with anesthesia, or staying awake with nitrous oxide.

I want to hear from those who were awake for their operation. Did it hurt a lot while you had it done?

I don't want to hear how long it took people to recover... I'm nervous about that as it is, just a matter of saving $500 or not.

04-06-2013, 12:02 PM
Using the gas is actually not bad. I am a needlephobic, and have asked to always use the gas. You are awake, but you will be in this lala land. You will not feel a thing. I have never had any complication from using the gas. Yes, they will have to keep you a little longer until the effect of the gas wears off; but for me staying longer is a far better option then having one of my greatest fears stuck in me. I am 28, and have been using the gas since as far back as I can remember. Never had any complications from using the gas.

04-06-2013, 12:14 PM
Does your dentist operate in the dark ages? Mine simply injected local anaesthetic into my gums and I didn't feel a thing.

04-06-2013, 12:25 PM
They just used local anesthetics - several shots in around the tooth area - and then they just take them out.

It will take like a week to heal. I just used ibuprofen when it hurt too much when recovering I got some other pills too but I prefer that it hurt a bit when I'm sick - that way I know I'm sick and take it easy.

Note that it will hurt the most just after you have done it and not when its done - when its done you wont feel a thing because of all the anasthetics.
It will be a bit of a trouble with them removeit it from your skeleton so may hear some strange breaking as they take it out and it may feel strange to have someone in your mouth like that but its mostly psycological.

Just endure it.

And afterwards you will feel strange a couple of day but like a week afterwards you will be mostly healed and not feel it any more.

04-06-2013, 12:29 PM
Haha. My problem, is that only one of my wisdom teeth have actually popped through the gum, and all four of my gums will have to be cut.

Also, they will still give me local anesthetics for my gums.

Sharp Shooter
04-06-2013, 02:01 PM
I had all four of mine out at the same time. Two were impacted so they had to be chiseled (split in half) to allow removal. I had local painkillers only, possibly since the oral surgeon needed my help in the tug-of-war to remove the most stubborn. No complications. I drove myself home, about a 10 minute drive.

This is the really important part: Cold packs to reduce swelling must be done within the immediate 4 hours from the extractions. Plan on spending the next 3-4 hours with ice compacts over the traumatized areas. Ice until your face is so cold that it hurts, then back off until you can start to ice again. Take crushed ice (cubes if you must) in a wet hand towel (best cold transfer), in a plastic bag to contain the water drip. Do without the bag if you can.


The sooner you apply cold to the trauma area, the quicker you reduce or minimize swelling. For me, I did four hours. The next day was just minimal swelling. Two days after the extractions, virtually no swelling or discomfort. I ate chili by the end of that week, solid foods within 7 or 8 days.

04-19-2013, 04:37 PM
Personally, I opted for the full on anesthetic.

I have had a phobia of dental work ever since I can remember, and even if I was promised to be too far gone to feel a thing, I could not deal with being conscious.

They injected me with Ketamine, and it did the trick. I was knocked out in maybe a minute after the IV was stuck into me. I woke up (what seemed like to me) seconds after the ceiling started moving. I was transported back home, took some of the prescribed painkillers, and then took a nap. I woke up sober as a bird.

If you do choose to go with the anesthetic, rest assured-- it works.

04-20-2013, 06:29 AM
I had them out a week ago today. I opted for the nitrous oxide, and I was not disappointed. In a really twisted way, I greatly enjoyed being there... I'm one who has never done any drugs for recreational purposes, and the laughing gas was just an awesome feeling. I heard drills and such, but did not care. I was smiling from the feeling I was on, until I closed my eyes and felt my head spinning round and round, and let myself go to sleep. They had to wake me up to turn my head, haha.

Seriously though, no problems. And sharp shooter, if you see this, thank you for the advice on using ice. It took me about 4 hours for my gums to even stop bleeding in the first place using gauze, cause I replaced it so much from being annoyed at the drooling. But I used ice for 20 mins on, 20 mins off as directed by the dentist there for the first few hours, and then every time I woke up throughout the day, cause as soon as that darn gauze was no longer needed, I slept!

But yea... I obviously don't need any more advice from anyone, though thank you to all who replied!