View Full Version : 1 night only

03-29-2013, 03:55 PM
Ok, so basically, at 3o'clock tomorrow morning, i am going.to leave my house and perform the three most extreme dares put forward. However, if i belie e that no dares put forward are extreme enough, then i will repost this tomorrow, and the day after, until i have my dares. Feel free to post or pm dares, and i will give a full report on how it goes.
I would also like to add, that tonight, and just for tonight, my only limits are : family, shit.

Please dare creatively and extremely.

03-29-2013, 04:36 PM
Two things; firstly, only 3,5 hours to go, and secondly, i have no toys, but have an empty house, so please factor that into any dares, thanks!

03-30-2013, 01:07 AM
Ok, really? 60+ views and no-one has any extreme dares?

03-30-2013, 01:18 AM
Ok I gave this to someone else and they found it difficult so a few things you will need:
2 litres of cold water
A razor
icey hot (or similar)
diaper ( if you dont want to buy most drug stores have free samples or make one with a towel and wrap cling film over it)

Now shave off your pubic hair (no assistance from soap or shaving cream) and drink the water, now rub icey hot over your pubic area and put a large amount in the crotch area of the diaper. Once this is done put the diaper on and a skirt over the top and go for a walk around your block. at each corner you are to squat or sit and trie pee you must stay in this position until you can let go a 5 second spurt then stop the flow and go to the next corner, repeat till you are back home. Once home you are to complete the following dice dare:
You are now free to shower and change.

Enjoy and please let me know how you go.