View Full Version : Mundane Triggers For Your Kink

11-08-2012, 02:25 PM
I know most people, myself included, try to keep their normal, mundane life separate from their kinky lifestyle. But sometimes when I am going about my everyday routine a situation will come up or I will see something that brings my kink to the forefront of my mind and it will usually stay there until the time finally comes that I can indulge in it.

So my question is this, what mundane trigger brings you kinky lifestyle to mind and which kink does it relate to? You can be as vague as you want if it relates to your job or something that could possibly reveal your identity.

For me, it relates to what I do for a living. I am a full time caregiver for a disabled veteran. There is absolutely no sexual attraction there whatsoever. However, when I am performing some of my duties, such as sponge bathing him, getting him dressed and helping with toilet needs I can't help but think about my AB/DL side since these are some of the things I would really enjoy for someone to do to me while I am in that mode. Actually, I give credit to having to perform these tasks for giving me the courage to go from just fantasizing about age regression and diaper to actually buying them and acting on my desires during the proper time.

11-09-2012, 04:19 PM
All most everything can trigger something in me. However, I do live a very conservative town. Things must be kept to a minimum. However, behind closed doors ....... :D