View Full Version : Should I Feel Insulted?

10-30-2012, 10:16 AM
Earlier today, I received a comment on a picture that is on my fetlife profile. I don't know whether I should feel insulted or not. The complete context of the message is below.

I hope you will take my following remarks in the way they are meant to be received.....not as an insult....but more a constructive comment on a work of art...(you). You are a beautiful young lady....with two minor (and correctable) flaws to your otherwise perfect face. The blind wart....let's not fool ourselves by calling it a "beauty spot"...would be so easily removed by visiting your doctor or a consultant dermatologist. (They use an aerosol can of dry ice....and it is instantly frozen....and drops off a couple of days later.....I speak from personal experience). You also have what appears to be a birthmark on your forehead.....also, in most cases, easily removed with a burst of ruby-red laser at a local hospital on a day-care basis. I think you are lovely anyway.....you look like Liv Tyler....in my very humble opinion, one of the most beautiful women on the planet. Your eyes are luminous and captivating...

He seems to be telling me "You are pretty, but would be gorgeous if you removed your 'wart' and your birthmark".

I have had both since I was very little and would not even consider removing/changing them for any reason. Here's the laugh for me. Even after writing this comment on my picture, this man decided he would try to friend me. And without knowing whether or not to be insulted, I can't decide if I should friend him. Your thoughts?

Star Shadows
10-30-2012, 10:53 AM
Some people are stupid, such is the life and the internet, you are beautiful and these things dont change that. If they dont bother you then dont feel pressured into getting them removed just because some people are idiots. I would say dont let the idiots insult you, they are too stupid to be worth worrying over. Plus if you worry and get insulted youd get worry lines and then they will have more things to complain at :p

10-30-2012, 12:26 PM
Personally, I would not take it personal. I myself, see them as beauty marks. Anybody that dose not like them, well use your imagination. You should only remove them if that is what you truly want. Remember, the only person you need to make happy; Is yourself.

10-30-2012, 12:34 PM
Having warts or birthmarks doesn't make someone less beautiful o.o nor are they things that ever have to be removed, or should be. If you want to, fair enough, but its not his place to tell you so.
I would probably not be offended because I don't think he meant to insult you, but I also wouldn't friend him as he's the kind of person who thinks he has the authority to go around telling people how they should change themselves to look better (beauty is subjective anyway), which is just stupid.

10-30-2012, 01:03 PM
You shouldn't feel insulted or negative about it, it depends how you look at it. For the sake of being happy because happiness is great, try to look at it from a positive point of view. You've got something unique about yourself, and of you're happy with it then that's great. There are far too many 'flawless' people around, it's great to stay unique and different.
Aside the obvious points that were bothering you, the guy was very complimentary. If the summit of his aspirations is a plastic looking woman with more make-up than personality then that's his choice. It's somewhat wrong for him to put his views on you like that but you shouldn't worry about it. You've got to remember most men are a lot more easy going than women, so take his comment lightly and positively, as I'm sure it was meant to be.