View Full Version : Non-Fiction: Photo Booth at the Bar

08-12-2012, 05:58 AM
Recently my girlfriend and I headed to a local bar with friends of mine for a Friday night of drinking. The bar has one of those photo booths that has a screen on the outside so you can see the picture being taken on the inside; this part comes in later. So we all get a drink and head to a big table where we decide to play truth or dare/Jenga with the bar's board game. It all starts off easy and with stupid questions but as the drinks kept coming so did the real dares. All of our friends are a little bit prudish so it is really hard to come up with stuff they will do/answer without throwing a fit, but on my turn I got the question, "Who at the table would you most want to have a threesome with?" so I answered and the girl that I mentioned didn't take that so well. When it was my turn to ask her a question I asked her if she had pubic hair or if she shaved and she wouldn't even answer. Soon enough it came to my girlfriend's turn and it was the other girl's turn to ask her a question, so she asks as a way to embarrass me, "How big is his penis?" My girlfriend smiled and immediately said, "10 inches." Everyone went silent for a second then began laughing and saying that we were lying; then that girl who was mad at me for asking her the pubic hair question said, "Prove it then." I stood up and reached for my button on my jeans but she turned away and was saying she wouldn't look because it's gross and she didnt want to see anyway, but she still didnt believe me.

I saw the photo booth and grabbed my girlfriend and my empty pint glass then headed inside. We payed the machine and I had my girlfriend be me hard so I could give her some proof. As the camera snapped pictures I held the pint glass up to it for comparison, then the picture printed out. We came out of the booth and a girl sitting nearest the booth laughed and pointed at me saying, "Wow. All I have to say is wow."

We headed back to our table and I came from behind the girl I was getting proof for and set the picture in front of her. She looked down at it and her eyes went wide. She looked at it and just said, "Holy crap that's a huge dick! That's so big its disgusting, it looks like my wrist!"

So thats our bar adventure.