View Full Version : Dare Night!!!

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01-25-2007, 09:19 PM
Ok, so here's the deal, every year my softball team has this bonding thing called "dare night" where the seniors (myself) come up with a list of dares and the rest of the team which is split up into two teams go out into stores, malls, restaurants, etc. and do these dares. The dares have points assosciated with them, for ex. an easy dare like a prank call would be worth 2-3 points, harder dares worth more. Whichever team at the end of the night has the most points (with video evidence of the dares) wins and makes the other team do a really big dare. The only problem is that this is the third year this is being done and I am having a hard time coming up with dares that haven't been done yet, so I am asking for your help. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

General rules of "Dare Night":
*all of these are done in public so nothing illegeal
*we try not to do so much nudity
*the dares are really to test people to see how far they will go, lots of stranger interaction is great
*Stranger interaction=get someone to buy you a porno, read a poem to someone in a shakespearian accent, etc. We like to see how much it takes for our players to get embarrassed

Thanks guys, You Rock!!!