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View Full Version : Hi dose anyone wan to do a one on one rp?

03-24-2012, 02:17 AM
Hi dose anyone want to rp here with me on the site (just wanted to make that clear I didn't mean in person :p). I hope this is the right place to put this.So here is some things that if you rp with me you need to be able to do:

You need to be abel to make long posts from 1 to about 3 paragraphs . A paragraph needs to be about 3 lines. Basicaly no one liners.
I would like to play the sub in the rp so you have to play the master.
I dont want it to be too sexual like no acutala sexin the rp cause if your charter is a guy I will have real trouble with hat but I do like having male masters. There can be sexual dares in it though.
I would like this to have diapers, furry stuff, embarassment, risky dares and all shorts of crazy stuff.
You need to be abel to help make a good plot with me.

So if your interested please say. Right now I'm thinking it will be a kinda black mail thing which ends in my charter being a slave.

My charter will be called Lilly she will be a kinda butch lesbian ages from 16 to 18 depending on how sexual the rp will be. She will live with her family so their will be a lake of prvasay. She is a secret AB/DL but never admits it and she loves to be controled.

03-25-2012, 12:13 AM
no takers then? :/

03-25-2012, 05:53 AM
If you want to find someone to roleplay with you, here are a few tips:
*Be flexible, someone else might not want to roleplay the exact same storyline or characters as you. Try to give ideas for what you'd like to roleplay, but be careful to let the other person be creative too!

*More people want to play subs than Doms. Would you be prepared to play a Dom? Or two equals? Switches, etc.? It can still be fun!

*Give an example of your writing, so people can judge your ability.

*Use a spell checker! When you're essentially advertising your writing ability, spelling (and grammar) errors aren't the right way to go. I could probably pick at least 10 out of your first post. Typos are easy to make, but easy to check too!

Hope this helps you find a roleplay! :)