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Old 04-07-2016, 12:08 PM   #6
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: south east UK
Posts: 38

Surprised that there aren't more posts to keep you busy!

Why not try marinating your leggings before you work out? Water is a good starter but you can experiment with different things, eggs could prove a challenge!

For a more challenging task, prepare a big bowl of jelly- a few packets worth. Make it with a bit less water than the instructions so it sets nicely. For your jog wear a swimsuit, smush up the jelly with your hands to break it into smaller lumps and add it all into your swimsuit. You can add layers of clothing on top and enjoy the squelchy jog!

For an at home workout allow a can of semolina to shhlluurrrpp into your Lycra and enjoy those squats! Indeed with a tin of the stuff in the front and rear of your shorts burpies will become slurpies!

Love to hear how you are getting on and if you want to be set targets with punishment forfeits for missing them?
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