Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 10-02-2011, 04:43 PM   #1644
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Originally Posted by Captain Harkness View Post
i still haven't worked out how the Doctor dropped the Ponds off at their house and they acted like they didn't own it. According to the timeline they already did.
TIA: The Ponds are living together after the events of "A Christmas Carol".
TIA: The Ponds are summoned by the older Doctor, and witness his death.
TIA: The Ponds then go on adventures with the 'young' Doctor.

They're then chronological up until "The God Complex".

TGC: The Doctor drops them off in a new house.

In "The Wedding of River Song", at the end, River appears from just after the events of "The Time of Angels" to Rory and Amy in their garden which they got given in "The God Complex". She then informs Amy and the Doctor that the Doctor didn't die and, presumably, when she tells them this, it triggers Amy and Rory's memories and they're able to remember the aborted timeline that was "TWoRS".

Then, probably, their cameo in "Closing Time" is later down the line for Amy and Rory once they've settled into this new house and have stopped having regular adventures with the Doctor.

I think?
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