Thread: Fiction: ★ Izzy and Charlie
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Old 08-11-2010, 07:38 PM   #8
Angel of Dare
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Chapter Three.

I nudged the cafe door with my knee as the old thing was known the get stuck, it finally creaked open and the little bell rang alerting, Lisa, the owner that someone had walked in which really wasn’t necessary as the cafe wasn’t exactly large.

“Oooh Hi! Isabella dear, would you like an iced bun?” Lisa said in her overly cheery high pitched voice.
I smiled and nodded to get out of any potential conversation; I scooped the iced bun off the counter and sat at the booth I knew Charlie would be in. She sat curled up in the corner, her back to the counter.
“That Lisa’s a nutter, I swear she’s got decaying bodies upstairs, I can just imagine her hacking away at people because they wouldn’t take an iced bun” She acted out the hacking at me.

“She’s just a bit too friendly is all” I peered around the booth chair and saw Lisa painfully grinning ear to ear in my direction; I struggled to smile back before sliding back into my seat.
“Sure sure, friendly. So, Little Miss Naked Antics, I have a fun day planned for us.” She grinned.
I groaned “I’m a little worried”.
“Don’t be, you know I don’t really make plans, spontaneity is the new black” She smirked.
“Well, now I’m a lot worried” I slumped in my seat and picked at my iced bun even though I knew I’d never end up regretting anything I did with Charlie.
Speaking of Charlie, she grabbed the iced bun I was picking at off my plate and shoved half of it in her mouth.
“Come on” She sprayed crumbs while she got up. We left our money on the counter while Lisa was distracted with burnt bacon and struggled to open the old stuck door.
Of course when we pulled it the hardest it decided to fling us backwards onto the ground, we jumped up and left before Lisa could try and “cuddle us” or something equally uncomfortable.
We walked onto the cobbled pavement, the sun seemed to have come out of hiding while we nommed iced buns.

“It could be a scorcher today” Charlie winked at me, probably trying to think how she could turn that into a dirty joke.

“Doubt it, the weather never makes a straight decision, it’ll be raining before you know it” I stared at the sky, willing it to stay warm.
I took off my denim jacket and stuffed it into my cloth bag; under it I was wearing a cotton white summer dress, knee length and as girly as it gets. Not to mention with a lower cut than in looked in the shop, what’s done is done and I liked it anyway.

“Cleavage ahoy” Charlie laughed her unbelievably loud laugh and span round twice before deciding to turn left and walk.

I followed her without a thought; she began skipping along the cobbled stones trying not to touch the cracks, making a game out of everything. She wore the cutest lace trim dress, but even on her it was short, every time she skipped I noticed she was flashing her arse.
“Charlotte! What is your issue with underwear?” I shouted after her with a fake look of shock across my face.

“I’m wearing underwear” She stopped and twirled around toward my lifting her dress up, front and back revealing a red micro g-string with the least amount of material on it as possible.
“I would have believed you if you just said” I looked around us frantically, the street was wide and small stores lined each side. Luckily those inside seemed to be more concerned with selling, buying or eating to notice my insane friend.
“But that wouldn’t have been as much fun, let’s see yours then” She circled me, making me feel dizzy.
“They are orange, boring” I walked on, knowing sooner or later I would show her but I’d rather be somewhere less public.
I turned the corner onto a downhill slope which led to a small river. I couldn’t help but speed up while going down the hill and fell into the metal gate that stopped people from taking an unwanted dip in the water. I winded myself a little but turned walking up the path to save the embarrassment of Charlie knowing I’d ran into the gate again.
I sat down on a nearby bench and waited for Charlie to get down the hill.

Boop Boop de Boop.
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Last edited by BettyBoop; 08-20-2011 at 02:49 PM.
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