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Old 07-27-2016, 05:05 AM   #1
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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Bomb The Simple Random Pic Dare!

Do it, not revealing your true identity while experiencing an exciting dare!

1. Visit

2. Turn off the SafeSearch-filter in preferences.

3. Decide on the search words to use in the google image search, DICEROLL! :
1: public dare nude
2: bdsm outdoor
3: "ultimate flashing dare"
4: "ultimate video dare"
5: dare sexstoryarchive
6: masturbate nude public

4. Pick the picture to recreate:
-For picking the picture row in google search window, use the "True Random Number Generator" in and set Min: 1, Max: (the number of rows).
-For picking the picture in the row, set the same number generator to Min: 1, Max: (the total number of pictures in the row).
-Save the picture on your computer (right clock on it and save as on PC).
-To recreate the pose, use similar: clothes, face expression, hair and shave, environment, activity, camera position, etc!
-If the picture is not so daring or not so risky to recreate, just pick another picture, but do the first picture as well for completeness sake!
-If the picture is not showing at least one person doing a daring pose, repeat from the first step and pick another picture.
-If there are multiple daring people in the pic, pick the one most daring!
-If the picture is of the wrong gender, do it anyway!
-If something is used that you don't have access to, replace with something as similar as possible.
-If the environment isn't possible to copy, select one as similar as possible (in exposure level and public degree).
-Avoid other people as much as possible (and any kids) and have clothes within reach!

5. Recreate the picture (take a picture or film of yourself as similar to the pose in the picture as possible)
-If you chicken out (no matter the reason), do this dare 3 more times (with 3 new pictures each time) for every chicken out!
-If more than one person doing the dare in the picture, ignore the rest when recreating it.
-Set up the camera using some duct tape or similar, using the timer for pics or start filming (mobile phone).
-Check that the camera took a good picture (or film); if not-try again!

6. Decide what to do with the picture, DICEROLL! :
1: Create a photo album on GetDare and post the picture there (as little censored as possible to keep anonymity + be allowed by GetDare)!
2: Make a puzzle of it and post the link in this thread (use A or B!
3: Write a fictional story based on it and post the story here (with your censored pic attached using the paperclip button).
4: Use it as all computers wallpaper image and mobiles background image for a week (uncensored and must be used in all devices you use that week)!
5: Censor the picture (use Paint or some other standard image editor program) and post it in this thread (using the paperclip button)!
6: Don't censor the picture, but edit out parts of your face for anonymity and post it on for a week!

7. Report about your dare (don't forget the small but important details and your thoughts and feelings) in this thread.

8. Done!
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