Thread: Fiction: Marty meets Mia and Charlie
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Old 12-16-2017, 04:43 AM   #19
Truth or Dare Junkie
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Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 3, Part 4

<Thwwzzuupp> <SPAAT> At the instant I became aware of the sound I also felt the line of electricity shot across my buttocks. OMG she was....

<Thwzzoopp> <SPAATT> Another shot of electricity and my body spasmed. OMG she was beating me....

<Thwzziipp> <SPUUT> Just as I was realizing what was happening. "Uuuhh."

<Zzzwuupp> <SPAAT> My body was trying to jerk and shake. "Uuuhh."

<Thwzziipp> <SPAT> My body was vibrating. "Uuunnn...."

<Thwzziipp> <SPUUT> There was more time waiting for this one and my body was beginning to slow its shaking. "Uuuu...."

<Thwwzzuupp> <SPAAT> It was me making that moaning sound? "Uuuu...."

<Thwwzzuupp> <SPUUT> The pain was just settling down as the fire struck again. "Uuuu...."

<Thwwziipp> <SPUUT> She was timing it to boost the pain just as the effect of each stroke eased. "Uuuu...."

<Thwwzziipp> <SPAAT> How could I moan like that with my mouth plugged? "Uuuu...."

<Thwzziipp> <SPAAT> Electrical fire exploded on me again. "Uuuu...." And there was a long pause. My moaning eased, and the blood roaring in my ears calmed enough for me to hear Mia panting behind me. My last shred of conscious thought told me that I could hear her because the rain had stopped.

<Thwwziipp> <SPUUT> Just as my vibration was stopping. "Uuueee...."

<Thwwziipp> <SPUUT> And quickly. "Eeee...."

<Thwwziipp> <SPAAT> And again. "Eeee...." Just aware enough to know that another stroke was coming, again and again.

<Thwwziipp> <SPAAT> And again. "Eeee...." Pain on pain.

<Thwwziipp> <SPAAT> And again. "Eeee...." Pain building.

<Thwwziipp> <SPUUT> And again. "Eeee...." I was past vibrating now - my body was buzzing.

<Thwwzuupp> <SPAAT> And again quickly. "Eeee...."

<Thwwziipp> <SPUUT> And quickly. "Eeee...." As the rapid pace continued, I was getting hot. I didn't fully realize it, but my body got warmer as the effects of the pain spread, and I broke out in a sweat despite the chill I had felt from the rain.

<Thwwziipp> <SPUUT> And quickly. "Eeee...."

<Thwwziipp> <SPUUT> "Eeeee." And on and on it went. There was nothing but pain and anticipation . . . of more pain. Eventually my body could not spasm or vibrate or make sound. I could only accept what Mia gave. My very spirit was electrified with pain.

Last edited by MarvHarvey; 12-18-2017 at 12:38 PM.
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