Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 08-24-2014, 08:29 PM   #1783
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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I think that sounds like a pretty good representation of the episode, and basically how I felt through it (ignoring the tacky cheap crap.)

"This guy is all wrong. He's not cool." Not because he's old, but because he's not the Doctor Doctoring about. He was saying all the wrong things and was just like blah I don't like you. I felt like the Scottish stuff was thrown in solely because of the current climate and that cheapened the entire episode for me. It's not even been long since he was last Scottish anyway.

In the alleyway he had some interesting moments and also some blah I still don't like you ones. When he was saying he knew the face and that there was a reason he picked it, I thought that might be some sort of interesting story hint, but maybe it's nothing.

Then when he was actually being active, he again felt like a stranger, full of action and decision, almost what you would expect John Hurt should have been (p.s. I thought the 50th special was a load of crap) Then when he leaves Clara you think, wow, he's really changed this much? He can't have ... can he? Damn. But she hopes, because it's all she has left, that no, we can trust in who he's always been. I thought that whole thing was really well done.

Not too sure about the confrontation at the end since they didn't actually show it. More deliberate mystery to make us doubt whether he would murder someone? Felt kinda meh as a directing decision to me.

I still don't like Peter as the Doctor. But it's as much the role he was given as anything else, and maybe that role will blossom into something interesting as the twelfth comes to know himself. Maybe.
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