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Old 03-05-2015, 12:40 PM   #33
Clerisyberry's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: United States
Posts: 71
Blog Entries: 5

1. How would your describe your perfect Sunday?
A secluded, grassy little meadow with some nice shady trees. I'd hang a hammock under the shade of a comfy-looking tree, bring a cuddle/snuggle buddy, nap a ton, and read some lovely books. Ahh. Although more realistically, it would be to cuddle up with someone and watch a movie and drink some warming chai. Then, strip and have at it like bunnies.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in lust at first sight for most cases. :P However, I've heard of people who have fallen in love just by observing people - you can learn a lot by studying gestures, movements, and reactions. I wonder if that counts.

3. What is the sweetest thing somebody has ever done for you?
Spent two weeks blistering his hands to make me a giant bead bunny for Valentine's Day.

4. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
French vanilla. Or shaved ice with condensed milk. Kind of icecream-y.

5. If you could choose to join one sitcom family, who would you choose, and why?
I'm not really into sitcoms, but I guess I'd go with the Brady Bunch. I really liked the theme song for the show when I was a kid.

6. Describe yourself in 5 words.
Persistent, Introverted, Content, Try-hard, Chill (bro)

7. When is the last time you cried?
Valentine's Day. I had a pretty painful "feelings" session with a friend. Cathartic, though~

8. What did you want to be when you grew up?
If I said anything other than "doctor", I'd have a beating, haha. But I wanted to travel back in time and be an apothecarist. Close enough. xD

9. What does your bedroom look like?
It's a bit small and cramped. There's a standing wardrobe, a really high bed with tons of containers underneath, and everything's adorned in light pale wood. Uni-style apartments :P

10. What kind of bedtime/sleeping ritual do you have?
I always open the blinds, open the windows, and strip before I sleep. The cool morning air and bright light helps me wake up.

11. What was your favorite childhood story?
Heidi, Girl of the Alps. Although, I love the Hayao Miyazaki movies and stories that go with it.

12. Did you go to your high school senior prom?
Yes, and it was the most fantastically awkward thing in the world.

13. What does your last txt message say?

14. Do you sing in the shower?
Most definitely.

15. Is there a certain song that makes you want to dance every time you hear it?
Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. It's so old, but I can't stop the beat, ahaha.

16. Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla, it's so much more versatile.

17. Who is your best getDare friend?
An_Jon, of course! How could I not pick my Dom :P

18. Do you have any scars?
I have a light scar on my face from getting in a brawl with my brother as a kid. I was also born with a weird melanism defect, which makes parts of my body appear all splotchy. Only when I'm hot though, which is - you know - always. ;D

19. What is your favorite holiday?
Valentine's Day. I don't care much for the sappy romance associated with it, but I like having an excuse to make chocolates for my friends. I like to think they enjoy getting chocolates on V-day, makes them feel loved. xD

20. What are you wearing?
A loose-fitting tank top with a corgi on it, and some skinny jeans. No bra! Sag them boobs :P

Owned by the wonderful DomSpoon, An_Jon
(whose cock is the only one I worship)

Disclaimer: If per chance, you would like to truth/dare/command/sex/request/molest/harass me, know that I'm owned. Take it up with my Spoon. If per chance, he doesn't pun your head off, I'll castrate you myself with big, rusty scissors (#notreallybutreally). Banter welcome, though!~<3

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