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Old 05-13-2012, 11:05 AM   #7
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Wouldn't you like to know
Posts: 84

Sweet! More people who enjoy the story, Freshmilk and Tylerr, thanks for the comments, I hope my story continues to be entertaining to all who are reading, even you guys, the lurkers, I know you are there. A little bit about the next chapter, I warn you, it is a little graphic. In the first paragraph I said that the story was fiction, and while indeed it is, the basis came from some real life experiences, As for the name of the chapter, anyone who can tell me what the title is a reference to gets a virtual cookie. Well, that's enough rambling so I now present...

-----Chapter 4: The Turn-----

“Tyler? Did you hear me?” Chelsea asked unable to take her eyes off of him. It was the middle of lunch; Tyler’s tray was still completely full and he had been daydreaming of Alex again. “You need to tell him the truth if you want to know how he feels, otherwise you will never be able to get him out of your head.”

“But what if he rejects me? What if he can’t stand to be friends with me because I like him like him? And besides he is straight, what could possibly come from this but pain?” Tyler replied nibbling on his Stromboli, “Why does all cafeteria food taste like it has been back there for a week?” They continued eating in silence, Tyler because he had nothing more to say, Chelsea because she didn’t know how to respond, it was obvious that she wanted her two best friends to get together, she thought it was adorable, however she couldn’t argue with Tyler’s logic, Alex hadn’t told her anything in the past 4 months and she hardly wanted them to destroy their friendship.

“What was that fagot?” Chris said, kicking Alex in the stomach again. He grabbed his collar and pulled him up to his knees, “I didn’t hear you, I said, suck my dick.” Chris threw him face first into the toilet causing a sickening crunch as Alex’s nose ran into the porcelain base. Alex wiped off his lip, trying to get the taste of blood out of his mouth, he turned and saw Chris pulling his semi-erect penis out of his pants and scooted backwards against the wall trying to get away. “Where are you going?” Chris said tauntingly grabbing Alex by the hair and dragging him close before pulling a knife out of his pocket. “Listen closely, you are not going to bite, if you even think about doing so I’ll shove this so far up your ass blood will rush out of your eyes. Got it?”
Alex’s eyes were wide with fear, why were people so cruel? He nodded tears running down his cheeks as Chris shoved his dick down Alex’s throat and began forcing his head up and down. Alex started choking and feeling like he was going to vomit, but after two or three minutes Chris pulled him off and threw him back. “You liked that didn’t you? How about a swirly?” Chris’s voice was almost sinister as he shoved Alex’s face into the toilet pressing his foot against the back of his head and flushing it. Alex started struggling almost at once, fighting to get just a tiny bit of air, spraying water everywhere. He heard the toilet flush again and hopelessness started to fill him, he stopped fighting his eyesight getting foggy. At just that moment Chris pulled his head out of the toilet and tossed him back on the ground. He felt the foot slam into his chest before he heard it, felt himself rise of the ground and fall back down rolling onto his hands and knees coughing up blood. He barely heard when Chris said, “Tell anyone about this and you are dead.” Then Chris walked out of the bathroom, strolling like nothing at all was wrong. Alex lay there for a while crying in pain and fear before he got to his feet and walked over to the mirror. His face was bloody so he turned on the water and cleaned up as best he could; ignoring the pain in his chest and stomach. The bell rang and so he walked back to his class looking down at the ground trying to draw as little attention to himself as possible. ‘How could things have gone so wrong?’


“What happened to you?!” Tyler asked more than a little freaked out. The second he had seen Alex he felt his heart race; he looked like he had been run over by a car.

“Umm, I fell down the stairs in my house… you know the really tall ones between the first and second floor? I uh I tripped over my little brother’s laptop, that he, that he left at the top.” Alex was never a good liar, but Tyler decided not to push it. ‘What would have caused this?’ Tyler wondered to himself.

“Well are you okay? Is everything going okay? I care about you, you can tell me anything.” Tyler said. As soon as the words came out of his mouth he regretted them, there must be a better way to word it then that. His biggest fear was losing Alex’s friendship.
My dick is only 5.5 inches big.

Likes: Humiliation, Cum, Bondage, Tickling, Masturbation, Truth, Spanking, Anal, Mild Pain, Wedgies

Dislikes: Edging excessively, Extreme Heat or Cold

Limits: Public, Family, Extreme Pain, Permanent, Illegal

Yes, I am gay, get over it!
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