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Old 07-23-2011, 10:13 AM   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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1. Cold Pizza? Yes or No?Depends on the kind :P

2. On your ipod, zune, or other musical device, what is the most played song?I'd have to say "Numb, Linkin Park or Beautiful Soul,Jesse McCartney

3. If you had the opportunity to compete on a game show, what show would you appear on?1 vs 100

4. If you could touch any area besides the "special" parts on your dream girl/boy's body what place would it be?face

5. If you could spend the day hanging out with any celeberity who would it be and why? Shane Dawson! Cause he's the most amazing YouTuber EVER!

6. What is the best impression you can do?Elmo :P

7. What is your favorite word?Hippopotomonstrousaphobia (fear of long words)

8. How many languages can you speak, and what are they?4 Engish, Jibberish, Pig Latin and Spanish

9. What was the last book you read in it's entirety?The Lost Hero

10. If you could have any animal as a pet, with no dangerous consequences, what would it be?Racoon

11. What is your perfect pizza?Pepperoni with Stuffed Crust

12. Describe your favorite pair of underwear.Light Blue trim with dark blu Main Color with Elmo on the ass

13. What is your favorite board game?Scene It, Harry Potter Edition

14. What are you wearing right now?red Connecticut shirt with stretchy shorts

15. You are asleep usually from____ to _____. 12am to about 8am

16. If you could open a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?CUPCAKES! and other baking items

17. What is your favorite mythological creature?Gorgon

18. What was the last movie you saw in theaters (the cinema)?Harry Potter 7 pt2 IMAX 3D

Here are the requestions that require a little more thought.

19. Tell a short humorous anecdote about yourself.My gifted mind draws a blank

20. In George Orwell's book "1984" the following quote was said, "The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world." What is behind your Room 101? I LOVE THAT BOOK!!! oh but behind Room 101 is Fighting, Jealousy, and Girly Girl Stuff
Thanks to all of the users in my Host Club!: zyxwxyz/J.M.N=Haruhi, MarisaLaugh=Tamaki,puppysean/Connor xX/WoWaddict=Kyoya,xeldin=Hikaru,Abby9=Kaoru,Almighty Elemental=Mori and Dylan xX=Honey HELLO!
My Special People
xeldin, WaterMoonNinjas18/F/USA <3
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